Monday, 16 March 2015

16.03.2015 - Upper Volume + Rowing

After a long hiatus I have decided to start logging my training on line again.

I'm currently waiting to see the upper limb specialist to determine if/what surgery I require. I am also using this time to allow my back to heal which I injured during the Athlete Games qualifiers back in November. That mean's no heavy squatting, deadlifts, cleans, snatches, kipping gymnastics movements or other movements that aggravate the shoulder or the back.

Currently my split is a lot of bodybuilding style strength work and long aerobic sessions.

6 minute AMRAP
Prone pull @ last weeks 5rm (Performed in singles)
- 51 reps

8 minute AMRAP
10 ring rows
10 CGBP @40kg
- 7 rounds, ring rows got tough, had to break them up after 4 rounds. CGBP was too light, should have used 50-60kg

RFESS; 3x12; 2 mintue rest
- 16/hand, legs were pumped!

Back extension; 3x20
- 15kg

Row; 20:10 x4; 2 minute rest x3
- 105, 106, 107, 105 / 105, 105, 105, 104 / 107, 104, 101, 102m.