Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Monday & Tuesday

Monday 16.09.13

Squat snatch, 1 rep @80kg per minute for 10 minutes
30 squat clean @102kg (10:33 last time)
- 9:16 PB
20 x 40 sec AD @75%/20 sec AD @50%
- Wow this was tough on the quads after the squat cleans. Wasn't sure on my percentages, think i set off way too fast, was around 450-475 watts for the first 2-3 efforts. This quickly dropped to sitting at around 350 watts for the 75%. 7.5 total miles, 414 calories and 288 average watts 

Tuesday 17.09.13

500m row
15 burpees
- 30:03. Quicker transitions to achive the goal of sub 30. Average split was 1:55/500m.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Squat Snatch Fat Isobel

30 Squat snatch @80kg for time
- 9:45 PB. This is a massive PB for me, previous time was 14:25! I only had 1 miss around the 20 rep mark.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Getting Hench on the Bench

A. Front squat, build to max
- 60(5), 80(3), 100, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140x

B. Snatch balance, build to a tough triple
- 40, 60, 70, 80. Only every done these once or twice before, 80kg for a triple is a default PB.

C. Power clean and split jerk cluster, 1.1 @90kg x 4 sets - 2 minutes rest
- Complete.

D1. CGBP @20X1, 2 reps x 5 sets - 2 minutes rest
- 85, 87.5, 90, 92.5, 95 PB, 97.5x(1) PB. 

D2. Pendlay row @22X0, 2-3 reps x 5 sets - 2 minutes rest
- 72.5(3), 75(3), 77.5(3), 80(3), 82.5(3)

E. 4 minute AMRAP push ups - hands shoulder width
- 74 reps. Started with a set of 25 then 5's to 60 and finished with 2's.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Snatch Clusters, Split Jerks & 5000m Row

Snatch cluster, 1.1 @60kg x 8 sets - 1 minute rest 
- Focusing on speed under the bar.
Split jerk. BTN split jerk, 1.1 @80kg x 5 sets - 1 minute resp
- The jerk is feeling a lot better these days, focused on not split to wide and keeping my hips under the bar.

5000m row for time:
- 18:40 PB. Previous best was 19:45, a 1:05 improvement makes those nasty intervals worth it!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


Daily rating: 3 (Felt like a zombie all day, today was the first day of removing sugar from my diet and i didn't replaced the foods removed adequately which meant i was in a major calorie deficit, hence the serious lack of energy)

30 muscle ups for time: 
- 5:07. I was excited to retest this since i have been feeling really strong on the muscle up work we have been doing. I was through 14 reps at 1:12 and then hit the wall energy wise, not sure if it was the absence of sugar or lack of carbs. Probably a mixture of both. I am definitely going to retest this as i know i can go sub 4 minutes.
10-15 minutes rest
5-7 KB front squats @32kg/arm for 15 minutes
- Called it a day after the muscle ups, had zero energy and my back and glutes were really sore from yesterdays session. Will make this up later on in the week.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

I Love Sunday Service!!

A. Deadlift, build to a tough single
- 140, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200. Little bit rounded at 200kg but i haven't deadlifted heavier than 170kg in 9 months.

B1. Press @20X0, 1 rep x 5 sets - 2 minutes rest
- 60, 65, 67.5, 70, 72.5x

B2. Weighted supinated pull up, 1 rep x 5 sets - 2 minutes rest
- 25, 30, 35, 40 PB, 42.5 PB

C. Front rack walking lunges, 4/leg x 6 sets - 1:30 rest 
- 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 105. At Manchester Games i really struggled with front rack lunges at 70kg!!!

A. Deadlift, build to a tough single
B1. Press @ 20X0, 1 rep x 5 sets, 2 min
B2. Weighted Supinated Grip Chin-ups @ 20X0, 1 rep x 5 sets, 2 min
C. Front Rack Barbell Walking Lunges, 4/leg x 6 sets, 1:30 min - heavy

Friday, 6 September 2013

Power Snatch, Pull Ups & Thrusters EMOM and Running

Power snatch, 1 rep @70kg every 20 seconds for 10 minutes - stop if you miss
- Complete, felt comfortable weight wise and breathing wise. Worked out as a 9:42 Isabel @70kg.
EMOM x 12 
1st - 15 pull ups
2nd - 12 thrusters @35kg
- Complete unbroken. Pull ups got tough for the last few reps of the last 2 sets. Thrusters felt really good, focused on good position and breathing. 
15 minute run @ easy pace
- Same route as last week, full lap in 13:31 same finishing point at 15:00. 

Front Squat, Snatch and C&J Clusters, CGBP & Pendlay Rows, Push Up Ladder

A. Front squat, build to a tough single
- 100, 120, 125, 130, 135

B. Snatch cluster 1.1 @80% x 5 sets - 3 minutes rest
- Complete at 77kg. Had one miss in the fourth round but made the rep immediately after, the snatch wasn't feel quite as sharp as it did on Tuesday.

C. C&J cluster 1.1 @80% x 5 sets - 3 minutes rest
- Complete at 97kg.

 D1. CGBP @20X1, 2-3 reps x 5 sets - 2 minutes rest
- 80(3), 82.5(3), 85(3), 87.5(3), 87.5(3), 90(3) 

D2. Pendlay row @22X0, 3-4 reps x 5 sets - 2 minutes rest
- 70(4), 72.5(4), 72.5(4), 72.5(4), 72.5(4), 72.5(4)

E. 1 - 10 - 1 unbroken push up ladder for time:
- 6:07. Tougher than i expected, felt good going up the ladder, struggled coming back down till around 5.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

EMOM & Rowing Intervals

Snatch, 1 rep @60kg per minute for 12 minutes - get under the bar FAST
- Complete. Nothing to report other than the last rep was the worst of the lot, landed a little forward.

Power clean & split jerk, 1 rep @70kg per minute for 12 minutes
- Complete. A couple of sketchy jerks but figured out that i was splitting too narrow. Once i altered that they felt a lot better. 

9x600m row @2k PB pace, 2:15 rest between sets - try to hold the same pace as last week.
- 1:45-1:46/500m target pace. Split times (1:45.6, 1:45.3, 1:45.5, 1:45.7, 1:45.5, 1:45.7, 1:45.6, 1:46.0, 1:44.9) This was considerably tougher than the previous weeks 12x500m, my glutes were hurting so much more the whole way through!

Monday, 2 September 2013

Gymnastics & Squat Stamina

6-->1 unbroken ring muscle up ladder for time:
- 2:51
For time:
10 strict HSPU - 34" width
2 legless rope climbs
10 strict HSPU
2 legless rope climbs
10 strict HSPU
- 8:59. Rope climbs were fine, any more reps per round and i might have struggle. I suck at strict hspu!! Tried to break them from the start to avoid ending up in single but it happened anyway, 4-2-2-1-1, 2-2-2-1-1-1-1, 1's. 
15 unbroken T&G squat cleans @60kg x 4 sets, 2 minutes rest
- 15, 15, 15, 6. Just couldn't hold on for the last set. 

Deadlift, Press, Weighted Pull Up, Step Ups

A. Deadlift @20X0, build to a tough triple
- 100, 120, 140, 160, 170. Forgot to lower the last rep of 160kg to the floor. Ugly first rep at 170kg, next two reps felt/looked better. My deadlift is feeling weak at the moment, hard imagine pulling 205kg at the minute.

B1. Press @20X0, 2 reps x 5 sets - 2 minutes rest
- 55, 57.5, 60, 62.5, 62.5

B2. Weighted supinated grip pull ups, 2 reps x 5 sets - 2 minutes rest
- 20 x 5 sets

C. Front rack barbell step ups @11X0, 6/leg x 5 sets - 1 minute rest (start at 40kg)
- 40, 40, 45, 45, 50. My legs felt ok through these but my shoulders were smoked during holding the front rack from the ring dips i did on Friday.