30 minute Z1 row
A. Dip jumps; 3x5@30kg
B. Sumo deadlift; heavy single
- 60(5), 80(5), 100(3), 120(3), 140(2), 150, 160, 170, 175, 180, 190. Felt weak here, i pulled 180 for a triple while on holiday a few months ago but 180 was a struggle for a single today.
C1. Back squat; 3x5@75%
C2. Wtd. pull up; 3-3-3
- 12, 16, 20
D. Bulgarian split squat; 8/leg; 2 minute rest
- 40, 45, 50. Stayed light as i haven't done these for a long time. Pretty good quad pump going on.
E. Barbell glute bridges; 3x15; 90 seconds rest
- 50, 70 with shoulders on a bench, didn't like this set up so dropped to shoulders on the floor for the last set at 90kg. Much better, could actually feel my glutes working.
15 GHD sit ups
50 double unders
- 6:54 unbroken, GHD sit ups got tough!
Friday, 31 October 2014
28.10.2014 - DE Upper
A. CGBP; 9x3@70%; EMOM
- 73kg
B. Seated DB press; 8rm
- 10kg easy peasy, 15kg easy peasy, 20kg definite 8rm!! Left are was really struggling to lock out.
10 minute AMRAP
3 muscle ups
5 burpee box jump - 30"
200m run
- 5+8.
A1. Ring push ups; AMRAP x5 sets; 1 minute rest
- 31, 21, 16, 16, 13
A2. Strict pull ups; AMRAP x5 sets; 1 minute rest
- 12, 10, 9, 8, 8,
5 sets @90%
20 cal row
15 kb swings - 32kg
- 90s rest
- 5 minute rest
5 sets @90%
20 cal row
15 kb swings - 32kg
- 90s rest
A. CGBP; 9x3@70%; EMOM
- 73kg
B. Seated DB press; 8rm
- 10kg easy peasy, 15kg easy peasy, 20kg definite 8rm!! Left are was really struggling to lock out.
10 minute AMRAP
3 muscle ups
5 burpee box jump - 30"
200m run
- 5+8.
A1. Ring push ups; AMRAP x5 sets; 1 minute rest
- 31, 21, 16, 16, 13
A2. Strict pull ups; AMRAP x5 sets; 1 minute rest
- 12, 10, 9, 8, 8,
5 sets @90%
20 cal row
15 kb swings - 32kg
- 90s rest
- 5 minute rest
5 sets @90%
20 cal row
15 kb swings - 32kg
- 90s rest
27.10.2014 - AM Z1 + PM Lifting
7000m row @Z1 pace
- 30 hollow rocks every 1000m
A. Snatch + OHS; heavy complex in 10 minutes
- 90, 95xxx. Snatch just felt off today, got under 95kg three times but just kept losing it forward. Frustrating!
B. C&J; 90%x1x2
- 118kg. Jerk felt tougher than it should.
C. Anderson front squat; build to max
- 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 105, 110, 115, 117.5, 120, 122.5x. Wow these are tough!
D. Front squat; 3x3@80-85%
- 115kg
E. Clean pulls; 5x2@110%
- 148kg, heavy shit!!
7000m row @Z1 pace
- 30 hollow rocks every 1000m
A. Snatch + OHS; heavy complex in 10 minutes
- 90, 95xxx. Snatch just felt off today, got under 95kg three times but just kept losing it forward. Frustrating!
B. C&J; 90%x1x2
- 118kg. Jerk felt tougher than it should.
C. Anderson front squat; build to max
- 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 105, 110, 115, 117.5, 120, 122.5x. Wow these are tough!
D. Front squat; 3x3@80-85%
- 115kg
E. Clean pulls; 5x2@110%
- 148kg, heavy shit!!
Monday, 27 October 2014
25.10.2014 - AM DE Lower + PM Throwdown
A. Depth jumps; 9x3; 24" to 24"
B. Pause back squat; 12x2@70%; EMOM
C. Snatch pull; heavy triple
- 60, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120. I wanted to make sure that these still resembled a snatch pull and didn't just turn into deadlifts.
D1. Ring row; 8-12 x3; 30s rest
- Comfortable sets of 12
D2. Back rack reverse lunge; 8/leg x3; 2 minute rest
- 60, 70, 80. First time doing these, could really feel tightness in my hip flexors at first but that worse off after the first set. Will go heavier next time i see these.
Another Saturday afternoon throwdown with Ben, this time Ports and Kez joined us.
For time:
40 pistols
30 C2B pull ups
15 power snatch @50/70kg
30 pistols
20 C2B pull ups
10 power snatch
20 pistols
10 C2B pull ups
5 power snatch
- 14:37. Moved through the pistols without a problem. Pull ups felt awesome today broke the set of 30 into 20-10, then went unbroken for the sets of 20 and 10. The power snatch on the other hand felt dreadful! Watching some footage of the workout i noticed that i'm not catching the bar with my torso upright, instead i'm sort of dive bombing my head and chest through. I need to work on this and make my power snatches much more efficient
A. Depth jumps; 9x3; 24" to 24"
B. Pause back squat; 12x2@70%; EMOM
C. Snatch pull; heavy triple
- 60, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120. I wanted to make sure that these still resembled a snatch pull and didn't just turn into deadlifts.
D1. Ring row; 8-12 x3; 30s rest
- Comfortable sets of 12
D2. Back rack reverse lunge; 8/leg x3; 2 minute rest
- 60, 70, 80. First time doing these, could really feel tightness in my hip flexors at first but that worse off after the first set. Will go heavier next time i see these.
Another Saturday afternoon throwdown with Ben, this time Ports and Kez joined us.
For time:
40 pistols
30 C2B pull ups
15 power snatch @50/70kg
30 pistols
20 C2B pull ups
10 power snatch
20 pistols
10 C2B pull ups
5 power snatch
- 14:37. Moved through the pistols without a problem. Pull ups felt awesome today broke the set of 30 into 20-10, then went unbroken for the sets of 20 and 10. The power snatch on the other hand felt dreadful! Watching some footage of the workout i noticed that i'm not catching the bar with my torso upright, instead i'm sort of dive bombing my head and chest through. I need to work on this and make my power snatches much more efficient
A photo posted by @callum15 on
24.10.2014 - AM Z1 + PM Max Effort Upper
30 minute AMRAP @Z1 pace (95-127bpm)
500m row
1000m wattbike
A. Crossover symmetry
B. Bench press; build to max
- 40, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105. Matched my PB but felt better than i remembered, don't think i had more in me and didn't want to finish on a missed lift so i left it here.
C. 3 sets
8 strict press
8 behind the neck pull ups
10 rounds @85-90%
250m row + even/odd
1 minute rest
Even = 10 ohs @60kg
Odd = 10 lateral burpees
- Averaged 1:47-1:47/500m for all 10 rows. Played with different methods for getting into position for the ohs each round.
30 minute AMRAP @Z1 pace (95-127bpm)
500m row
1000m wattbike
A. Crossover symmetry
B. Bench press; build to max
- 40, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105. Matched my PB but felt better than i remembered, don't think i had more in me and didn't want to finish on a missed lift so i left it here.
C. 3 sets
8 strict press
8 behind the neck pull ups
10 rounds @85-90%
250m row + even/odd
1 minute rest
Even = 10 ohs @60kg
Odd = 10 lateral burpees
- Averaged 1:47-1:47/500m for all 10 rows. Played with different methods for getting into position for the ohs each round.
Friday, 24 October 2014
23.10.2014 - Weightlifting
A. Crossover Symmetry
B. Snatch balance; build to max
- 40 - 100, 105 PB, 110 PB, 115 x. Close miss at 115kg, more confidence and focus on pushing into the bar and i'll have it next time.
C. Power snatch + snatch; EMOM x5 @70%
- 70kg, focused continuing to pull all the way through.
D. Clean + 2 Jerks; EMOM x10 @70%
- 92kg, comfortable weight but the jerk felt off.
E. Glute ham raise; 4x8
- 2 sets at body weight, 2 sets with a thin red band assisting. I need to work on keeping the glutes engaged to avoid shooting the hip back.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
21.10.2014 - ME Lower
8 sets @80-85%
30s row
5 burpees
30s 10m shuttles
20 double unders
30s row
- 1 minute rest
A. Box squat box jump; build to max
- 50"
B. Pause front squat; build to max
- 100, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130 PB, 135 PB, 140x. Wasn't expecting much here as my legs have been feeling particularly weak recently, pleased to see the leg strength is coming back.
C. Double overhand deadlift; 3x6
- 130, 140, 150. Felt good here all sets with hook grip, starting to feel the benefits of all the posterior chain work.
D1. Back extension; 3x15; 30s rest
- Should have added weight here
D2. Bent over row; 3x8; 30s rest
- 65, 75, 80. Keep improving here, last couple of reps were tough at 80kg but they didn't turn into chest to bar rows!
1 legless rope climb
1 rope climb
25m forwards sled drag @100kg
25m backwards sled drag
15m hs walk
8 sets @80-85%
30s row
5 burpees
30s 10m shuttles
20 double unders
30s row
- 1 minute rest
A. Box squat box jump; build to max
- 50"
B. Pause front squat; build to max
- 100, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130 PB, 135 PB, 140x. Wasn't expecting much here as my legs have been feeling particularly weak recently, pleased to see the leg strength is coming back.
C. Double overhand deadlift; 3x6
- 130, 140, 150. Felt good here all sets with hook grip, starting to feel the benefits of all the posterior chain work.
D1. Back extension; 3x15; 30s rest
- Should have added weight here
D2. Bent over row; 3x8; 30s rest
- 65, 75, 80. Keep improving here, last couple of reps were tough at 80kg but they didn't turn into chest to bar rows!
1 legless rope climb
1 rope climb
25m forwards sled drag @100kg
25m backwards sled drag
15m hs walk
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
20.10.2014 - DE Upper
5x1000m row; 1 minute rest
- The aim was consistent pace over all 5 sets. Having done 6x1000m with 2 minute rest at 3:50 on Saturday i planned to hold a similar pace today. My glutes and hamstrings were still sore from Friday which was making my lower back aches a little during this, held 3:52 pace over all 5 sets.
A. Crossover symmertry
B. Skin the cat; 3x3
- These are still making me feel really dizzy and sick, if i drop without pulling back over i don't get dizzy but as soon as i do i feel really ill! I'm not sure why this happens as it never used to!
C. CGBP; 7x2@75%; EMOM
- 75kg, focusing on speed off the chest and moving the bar as fast as possible.
D1. Strict wtd. ring dip; 5x5; 30s rest
- 10, 12, 16, 16, 20, starting to feel a lot stronger and more comfortable with these.
D2. Pause strict pull up; 5x5; 2 minute rest
- The 5 second pause at the top got tough during the last couple of sets.
E. 5 minute AMRAP Z-press @20kg
- 100 reps (10's every 30s x5, then 5's when ever) Tried a different tactic today, it still hurt!
For time:
DB snatch @27.5kg
GHD sit ups
*50 double unders after each set
- 8:08
5x1000m row; 1 minute rest
- The aim was consistent pace over all 5 sets. Having done 6x1000m with 2 minute rest at 3:50 on Saturday i planned to hold a similar pace today. My glutes and hamstrings were still sore from Friday which was making my lower back aches a little during this, held 3:52 pace over all 5 sets.
A. Crossover symmertry
B. Skin the cat; 3x3
- These are still making me feel really dizzy and sick, if i drop without pulling back over i don't get dizzy but as soon as i do i feel really ill! I'm not sure why this happens as it never used to!
C. CGBP; 7x2@75%; EMOM
- 75kg, focusing on speed off the chest and moving the bar as fast as possible.
D1. Strict wtd. ring dip; 5x5; 30s rest
- 10, 12, 16, 16, 20, starting to feel a lot stronger and more comfortable with these.
D2. Pause strict pull up; 5x5; 2 minute rest
- The 5 second pause at the top got tough during the last couple of sets.
E. 5 minute AMRAP Z-press @20kg
- 100 reps (10's every 30s x5, then 5's when ever) Tried a different tactic today, it still hurt!
For time:
DB snatch @27.5kg
GHD sit ups
*50 double unders after each set
- 8:08
Monday, 20 October 2014
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Thursday 16.10.2014
A. Crossover symmetry
- I perform this as part of my warm up everyday now, hopefully start to see some carry over in my overhead strength and stability.
B. 5 ring flys + 10 ring push ups; 3 sets
C. Wtd. pull up; 3rm
- 6, 12, 16, 20, 24
D. CGBP; 8rm
- 40-80kg in 10kg increments. I hit 11 reps at 80kg last week so this is not a true 8rm but was definitely all i had today. Pressing is a huge weakness of mine but it's something i'm addressing during this phase of the program.
E. 3 sets
8-10 wtd. ring dips; 30 seconds rest
8 L/R single arm row; 1 minute rest
- 5kg(x10x2), 7.5kg(8) / 25kg(x8x3)
F. 5 sets
10 strict hspu
10 T2B
20 second L-sit hang
30s rest
- Struggled with the hspu, first set broke 3-2-2-1-1-1, decided to scale back and use an ab mat for the reaming sets and completed them all as 5-3-2. All T2B unbroken without any problems but these made the L-sit hang incredibly difficult!!
E. 200 banded tricep push downs
- Trying to strengthen those triceps to carry over in to all the pressing movements.
Friday 17.10.2014
A. Seated broad jump; max distance
- Around 10ft
B. Front squat @2110; 12x2@75%; EMOM
- Complete at 105kg, the short pause in the hole made these a little more difficult than usual.
C. Snatch; 12x1@70%; EMOM
- Complete at 70kg, no misses.
D1. Glute ham raise; 4x6; 10s rest
D2. Pistols; 4x20; 10s rest
D3. DB snatch; 4x10; 10s rest
D4; 150m row @100% x4; 2 minute rest
E. 100 banded glute hip bridges
- Thin blue band, 50-25-25
Saturday 18.10.2014
6x1000m row @70%; 2 minute rest
- 3:50.3, 3:48.2, 3:49.6, 3:49.2, 3:49.5, 3:48.5
A. Z-press 5 minute AMRAP
- 105 reps (25, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5) this really lit up the shoulders and triceps!!
B. Power clean; build to max
- 115, 120x. No power in the hips today! Glutes and hamstrings are really sore from last nights session.
For time:
750m row
Power clean @100kg
Muscle ups
750m row
- 18:21. Stayed at around 80% on the first row and held 1:49/500m average. Singles all the way through on the power cleans, these felt so heavy!! I was hoping to go through the muscle ups unbroken but thought that was out of the question after the z-press amrap. Surprisingly the muscle ups felt awesome and i got through them all unbroken.
A. Crossover symmetry
- I perform this as part of my warm up everyday now, hopefully start to see some carry over in my overhead strength and stability.
B. 5 ring flys + 10 ring push ups; 3 sets
C. Wtd. pull up; 3rm
- 6, 12, 16, 20, 24
D. CGBP; 8rm
- 40-80kg in 10kg increments. I hit 11 reps at 80kg last week so this is not a true 8rm but was definitely all i had today. Pressing is a huge weakness of mine but it's something i'm addressing during this phase of the program.
E. 3 sets
8-10 wtd. ring dips; 30 seconds rest
8 L/R single arm row; 1 minute rest
- 5kg(x10x2), 7.5kg(8) / 25kg(x8x3)
F. 5 sets
10 strict hspu
10 T2B
20 second L-sit hang
30s rest
- Struggled with the hspu, first set broke 3-2-2-1-1-1, decided to scale back and use an ab mat for the reaming sets and completed them all as 5-3-2. All T2B unbroken without any problems but these made the L-sit hang incredibly difficult!!
E. 200 banded tricep push downs
- Trying to strengthen those triceps to carry over in to all the pressing movements.
Friday 17.10.2014
A. Seated broad jump; max distance
- Around 10ft
B. Front squat @2110; 12x2@75%; EMOM
- Complete at 105kg, the short pause in the hole made these a little more difficult than usual.
C. Snatch; 12x1@70%; EMOM
- Complete at 70kg, no misses.
D1. Glute ham raise; 4x6; 10s rest
D2. Pistols; 4x20; 10s rest
D3. DB snatch; 4x10; 10s rest
D4; 150m row @100% x4; 2 minute rest
E. 100 banded glute hip bridges
- Thin blue band, 50-25-25
Saturday 18.10.2014
6x1000m row @70%; 2 minute rest
- 3:50.3, 3:48.2, 3:49.6, 3:49.2, 3:49.5, 3:48.5
A. Z-press 5 minute AMRAP
- 105 reps (25, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5) this really lit up the shoulders and triceps!!
B. Power clean; build to max
- 115, 120x. No power in the hips today! Glutes and hamstrings are really sore from last nights session.
For time:
750m row
Power clean @100kg
Muscle ups
750m row
- 18:21. Stayed at around 80% on the first row and held 1:49/500m average. Singles all the way through on the power cleans, these felt so heavy!! I was hoping to go through the muscle ups unbroken but thought that was out of the question after the z-press amrap. Surprisingly the muscle ups felt awesome and i got through them all unbroken.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Accumulation Block
Going forward i will post my training a couple of days at a time, i will post Monday and Tuesday together and Thursday, Friday and Saturday together.
Monday 13.10.2014
Every 3 minutes x10 sets
45s AMRAP 20m shuttle (10m turn around
- 8-7 each round, was struggling to keep the turn around sharp as my calf are still mega sore from Saturdays running.
A. Vertical jump for squat position; max height
- 10ft wallball line, i had 4-5 attempts 10ft every time just couldn't get any higher
B. Deficit clean deadlift @4"; build to max
- 60, 80, 100, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 175x; 4" is low! It put the barbell almost on top of my foot. I really focused on performing a clean deadlift and not just turning it into a regular deadlift. Form felt great up to 170kg, lost the clean positions at 175kg so called it there.
C. Back squat; 5x4@75-85%; Every 2 minutes
- Complete at 125kg, legs are feeling weak at the minute so i'm excited to see the numbers start to increase again!
3 sets; 60-90 seconds rest
5-7 BTN pull ups
16 KB step ups @16"
- BTN pull ups bothered my shoulder so only hit 5's here. Grip rather than leg endurance was the limiter for the step ups, 24kg for two sets and 27.5kg dumbbells for the last.
3 sets; 2 minute rest
6-8 bent over rows @2011
10-12 good morning
- 60(8), 70(8), 80(7) stayed strict with the tempo. Goodmornings were for range of motion over weight, even at 30kg my hamstrings are sore today!!
3 sets; no rest
12 hammer curls @12.5kg
20 butterfly sit ups
- Good old fashioned pump work! It was originally programmed as 20 GHD situps but i got a strange burning/stretching sensation in my lower abs during the back squats so aired on the side of caution and subbed sit ups.
Tuesday 14.10.2014
A. Snatch drops; 3x3;
- 40kg, focus was on speed and footwork
B. Snatch; 3x5@70-75%; 3 minute rest
- Complete at 70kg, no misses.
C. PC + HPC + SJ @65-70%; EMOM x9
- Complete at 85kg.
3 sets; 60 seconds rest
12 KB floor press
20 banded KB swing
- Found the kb floor press akward, had to really focus on keeping the elbows tight and palms facing each other. Banded kb swings lit up the glutes, 24kg with a red band.
For time:
15 power clean - 60kg
500m row
10 deficit hspu - 6"
500m row
10 deficit hspu - 6"
500m row
15 power clean - 60kg
- 10:56; Kept all three rows to 1:49/500m average, could maybe have pushed a little harder here as this felt comfortable. Completed both sets of power clean in two sets of 10-5, the rest between the sets was limited. First set of hspu felt strong completeing them unbroken but struggled with the second set, breaking 5-3-2.
Monday 13.10.2014
Every 3 minutes x10 sets
45s AMRAP 20m shuttle (10m turn around
- 8-7 each round, was struggling to keep the turn around sharp as my calf are still mega sore from Saturdays running.
A. Vertical jump for squat position; max height
- 10ft wallball line, i had 4-5 attempts 10ft every time just couldn't get any higher
B. Deficit clean deadlift @4"; build to max
- 60, 80, 100, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 175x; 4" is low! It put the barbell almost on top of my foot. I really focused on performing a clean deadlift and not just turning it into a regular deadlift. Form felt great up to 170kg, lost the clean positions at 175kg so called it there.
C. Back squat; 5x4@75-85%; Every 2 minutes
- Complete at 125kg, legs are feeling weak at the minute so i'm excited to see the numbers start to increase again!
3 sets; 60-90 seconds rest
5-7 BTN pull ups
16 KB step ups @16"
- BTN pull ups bothered my shoulder so only hit 5's here. Grip rather than leg endurance was the limiter for the step ups, 24kg for two sets and 27.5kg dumbbells for the last.
3 sets; 2 minute rest
6-8 bent over rows @2011
10-12 good morning
- 60(8), 70(8), 80(7) stayed strict with the tempo. Goodmornings were for range of motion over weight, even at 30kg my hamstrings are sore today!!
3 sets; no rest
12 hammer curls @12.5kg
20 butterfly sit ups
- Good old fashioned pump work! It was originally programmed as 20 GHD situps but i got a strange burning/stretching sensation in my lower abs during the back squats so aired on the side of caution and subbed sit ups.
Tuesday 14.10.2014
A. Snatch drops; 3x3;
- 40kg, focus was on speed and footwork
B. Snatch; 3x5@70-75%; 3 minute rest
- Complete at 70kg, no misses.
C. PC + HPC + SJ @65-70%; EMOM x9
- Complete at 85kg.
3 sets; 60 seconds rest
12 KB floor press
20 banded KB swing
- Found the kb floor press akward, had to really focus on keeping the elbows tight and palms facing each other. Banded kb swings lit up the glutes, 24kg with a red band.
For time:
15 power clean - 60kg
500m row
10 deficit hspu - 6"
500m row
10 deficit hspu - 6"
500m row
15 power clean - 60kg
- 10:56; Kept all three rows to 1:49/500m average, could maybe have pushed a little harder here as this felt comfortable. Completed both sets of power clean in two sets of 10-5, the rest between the sets was limited. First set of hspu felt strong completeing them unbroken but struggled with the second set, breaking 5-3-2.
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Long Over Due Catch Up
After a slightly disappointing performance at The Thorium Throwdown i took a couple of days total rest, the remainder of the week was pretty low volume to help with recovery before getting stuck into a 4 week accumulation phase.
I woke up feeling particularly motivated to train on Saturday and just so happened i had been given free reign with my programming.
Snatch; build to max for the day
30 muscle ups for time
5RFT @80-90%
5 C&J - 60kg
7 lateral burpees
200m run
4x400m run; 90s rest
For time
skierg cals
DB snatch - 27.5kg
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