Wednesday, 30 July 2014

29.07.2014 - DE Upper

A. Skin the cat; 5x3
3x3 - These are still making me feel really sick!

B. Jerks; 5x3 - progressive
90, 95, 100, 105, 110 - Bringing the bar back to the front rack is the toughest part for me

C. CGBP; 3@70%; EMOM x9

10m handstand walk
9 T2B
8 burpees
7 5" deficit HSPU

14:14 - 4/5 hs walk unbroken

28.07.2014 - AM Aer + PM Lifting


1000m row @70% Aer
90s rest


A. High hang snatch; 65%x3x3; Every 2 min
65kg - Felt slow after 10 days holiday

B. Power clean + clean + jerk; 50/60/70/75/80/85%
65, 78, 91, 97.5, 104, 110 - PC and jerk felt fine, legs felt weak coming out of the squat.

C. Snatch balance; heavy single in 8 minutes
40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

EMOM x12
1st min - 5 front squat @110kg
2nd min - 15 GHD sit ups
3rd min - 10 C2B pull ups

Failed the last FS of the last set

Friday, 4 July 2014

03.07.2014 - AM Row + PM ME Lower


25 minute Z1 row


A. Max height box jump; 20kg DB/hand
30" - didn't have the confidence to go higher

B. Pause back squat; build to max (3s pause, trainers)
60, 80, 100, 120, 130, 140, 150, 155xx - Legs are feeling weak!!

C. Clean pulls; 5x3
130, 132.5, 135, 137.5, 140

D1. Bulgarian split squat; 3x8; 60s rest
40, 45, 50 - Feeling better, excited to see these progress

D2. Weighted back extension; 3x20; 120s rest
20kg - Ruined my lower back!

E. 2 L-sit rope climbs; every 3 minutes x6
Scaled to 1 every 3 minutes, only had time to do 3 rounds. Found these really tough!

01.07.2014 - AM 5K Run + PM DE Upper


5000m run


A. Crossover Symmetry

B. Push press; 2@75%; EMOM x9
78kg - Feeling strong, comfortable weight today.

C. 20 bar muscle ups for time
1:28 - 10, 5, 5

D1. Parallel bar dips; max x5; 60s rest
16, 13, 13, 10, 9

D2. Strict pull ups; max x5; 120s rest
11, 9, 8, 6, 5

15 minute AMRAP @80%
15 tuck crunch
10m handstand walk
15 wall balls - 9kg

6+15 - Handstand walks were 5m out + back, unbroken bar 1 or 2, unbroken wall balls.

30.06.2014 - AM 30:30 Row + PM Lifting


30:30 row x8
3 minutes rest


A. Broad jump; 6x3

B. Power snatch; 3x3@75%; 60s rest

C. C&J; heavy single in 10 minutes
125kg - Called it here as the jerk started to get messy.

D. Front squat; 3x70%, 2x75%, 1x80%; every 2 minutes x3 (9 sets total)
98, 105, 112 - No belt

E. Snatch grip deadlift; 4x4

27.06.2014 - AM DE Lower + PM Grinder


A. Burpee box jump over; 9x2@70% of Tuesday's max

B. Back squat @31X1; 12x2@70%; EMOM
120kg - Felt strong, no belt.

C. Power clean; 8x2@70%; EMOM


For time:
5 muscle ups
10 turkish get ups - 24kg
20 T2B
30 deadlift - 125kg
50 pistols
30 deadlift
20 T2B
10 turkish get ups
5 muscle ups

29:33 - Knew this was going to be a long one as soon as i saw the turkish get ups and high volume deadlifts. Muscle ups, t2b and pistols unbroken. Took my time through the turkish get ups as it's probably only the 2nd or 3rd time i've actually ever done them. The deadlifts were rough! Set's of 5 on the way up and sets of 3 on the way down.