Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Box Jumps, KB Swings, Burpees & Thrusters

For time:
100 Step down box jumps - 30"
100 KB swings - 32kg
100 Burpees - no jump at top
100 Thrusters - 30kg
- 32:51. Disappointed with this, didn't feel like i could push the pace today. Possibly due to not eating enough through the day. Step down box jumps are just slow, broke the KB swings far too much considering i can do 50 unbroken. Burpees are what they are, slow and steady. Same story with the thrusters as the KB swings, did all 5 sets of 15 unbroken last Friday today i was struggling to hit more than 10. Is what it is, just highlighted that fuelling adequately is essential to performing well

Deadlift, CGBP, Thrusters & Rowing - 29/07/13

Deadlift, build to a tough single
- 120, 140, 150, 160, 170, 175. Don't think i'd have got close to my current PB today, this felt heavy.

CGBP @ 20X1, 2 reps @ 85% every 60s x10 
- 80kg, completed.
For time:
30 Thrusters - 42.5kg
500m row
- 3:09. Unbroken thrusters, paused overhead a couple of times after 20 reps.

Monday, 29 July 2013


Strict Press, 1rm
- 60, 62.5, 65(X), 65, 67.5(X). This is dissapointing, 5kg under my  already poor PB but should be expected with no direct strict press focus.

Weighted Supinated Pull up, 1rm
- 20, 25, 30, 35, 37.5

Weighted Dip, 1rm
- 15, 20, 25, 30, 35. These were supposed to be bar dips but we don't have any in the gym so went with the next best thing and used the rings.

AMRAP C2B pull ups x 1 set to complete failure
- 30, didn't make contact with the bar on the 31st rep.

1,600m Run, all out.
- 6:07.31 PB, lower back and calf got really pumped up and tight during the 2nd 800m.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

KB swings & Burpees


15 minute AMRAP
15 KB swings - 32kg
15 burpees
- 7+22

- rest day

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Squat Clean's

Squat clean, build to a tough single
- 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 115, 120, 125(x)

30 Squat cleans @102kg for time
- 10:33. This was tough, two failed reps 7th & 21st. 

AMRAP C2B x 1 set to complete failure
- Pulled open a tear during the cleans, will make it up on Friday or Sunday.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

OHS, Squat Snatch & C2B Pull Ups

OHS, build to a 1RM
- 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 105 PB, 110(x), 110 PB, 115 PB. Failed to get the bar stabilised overhead first attempted at 110kg. Thought i had loaded 112.5kg on the bar for my last lift, only realised i had actually put 115kg on when i was stripping the bar down.

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 Squat Snatch @ 95lbs
10 C2B Chin-ups
- 5+2, went well through the first 3 rounds then i tore my hand on the 4th round of C2B. Snatches went 10, 4-3-3, 4-3-3, 4-3-3, singles, i went with singles on the last round to try and protect the hand. C2B went 10, 10, 10, 8-tear-2, singles.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Running Testers

200m Run ALL OUT
- 00:28.4
15 min Walk
400m Run ALL OUT
- 1:05.36, fairly pleased with this as i expected to be more than 1 second slower than my previous PB.
30 min walk
800m Run ALL OUT
- 2:43.05. Calfs are still really tight from the double under AMRAP on Thursday and got super pumped during the runs along with my hamstrings.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

CGBP, Burpees, KB Swings & Wall Balls

Close Grip Bench Press @ 20X0, build to a max
- 60, 70, 80, 90, 95 PB, 100(x). Default PB, first time doing CGBP pretty pleased to get close to 100kg with no bench press since November.

10 round for time:
4 Burpees 
6 KB Swings - 32kg 
8 Wall Balls - 9kg
- 9:33. Burpees felt slow again, not sure what's going on with them. 

Saturday, 20 July 2013

OPT Tester 2

5 rounds for time:
1000m Row
15 Pull ups
15 Thrusters - 35kg
15 Burpees

- 38:43. I think this is probably the longest WOD i've done other than Murph. The row was the toughest part, struggled to keep the splits down, i think this was more mental than physical.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Power Clean 1rm, AMRAP @ 90% & Double under AMRAP

Power Clean, build to a 1 RM
- 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 115x, 115. Felt like i had no pull today.

AMRAP power clean @ 90% highest from previous in 8 min
- 24 reps at 104kg

AMRAP Double Unders in 10 minutes
- 685 reps. Did sets of 50, all sets unbroken. Calfs felt pretty pumped up after this.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Manchester Games Debrief

Event 1
For time: (15 minute time cap)
300m open water swim
75 burpees
13:38 - 39th place

Pleased with how the swim went as I'm not the strongest swimmer using front crawl. Swam the first 100m using front crawl passing a few people who set off at a crazy pace. Got to the first buoy and lost my breathing rhythm after turning. Got in from the swim and felt really disorientated almost like I was drunk. The burpees were really slow!! Took the first 25 for the dizziness to wear off.

We then had to be at the arena for 12 o'clock for a briefing. This briefing didn't come until 5pm! Sat in the sun for 5 hours is not the best!

Event 2
2 minute max row for meters
1 minute rest
1 minute max pistols
1 minute rest
1 minute max double unders
1 minute rest
1 minute max snatch @ 60kg

Felt really lethargic trying to get warmed up for this after the 5 hour gap! The event was scored as a total of all reps which I felt was a bit naff since 1 pull on the row would equate to 10-15 points which in no way correlates to 10-15 snatches!
My plan going in was to keep my row split under 1:40/500m, hit the pistols hard, unbroken double unders and try and hold on to the snatches!
Row went better than I had planned, kept the split between 1:33 & 1:35 for a total of 638m, felt pretty good getting off the rower.
Pistols went as I expected/planned, kept moving through the full 1 minute with 2 no reps for not showing control at the top. Totalled 42 witching the 1 minute.
Unbroken for the full minute on the double unders for a total of 115 reps
I was aiming for 15 snatches before the event, once I got to the snatches and picked the bar up I knew this was not going to happen. I went t&g for 5 ditched it and planned for another set of 5 but my grip was shot. Went with 5 singles for a total of 10 snatches.

Total reps - 805 for a 6th place.

Another 2 hour wait for the final workout of day 1.

Event 3
For time (5 minute time cap)
DB thrusters - 17.5kg
Pull ups
4:02 - 39th place

All pull ups unbroken the DB thrusters are a different story! First 21 unbroken, the 15 6-5-4 and the 9 5-4. Really disappointed with this!

The field was cut from 60 to 30 after day 1, I finished out day 1 in 28th to scrap through.
Got back to the hotel for 10pm, had food and straight to bed. Slept really well but woke up with some major quad and glute doms.

Event 4
For time (10 minute cap)
10 front squat @ 70kg
10 box jump - 30"
10 stoh @ 70kg
10 T2B
30 front rack lunges @ 70kg
10 T2B
10 stoh
10 box jump
10 front squat
9:01 - 25th

First to the lunges in my heat in 1:30 unbroken though everything. Then I started the lunges and knew that it was going down hill from there, had to do the lunges in 5's my legs were like wet noodles by the time I got to the box jumps. Picked the bar up for the last set of front squats gritted my teeth and moved quick to finish them unbroken. I was broken after this event!

Event 5
For time (10 minute cap)
10 gtoh @ 60kg
10 c2b pull ups
10 gtoh @ 70kg
10 c2b pull ups
10 gtoh @ 80kg
10 c2b pull ups
7:02 - 21st

Wanted to go unbroken for the first 10 gtoh but only managed 5, started to get pulled around to much by the barbell. Struggled with the transition from overhead to ground. Unbroken through the c2b pull ups all butterfly. 70 & 80's all singles. This was probably the most fun workout of the weekend for me.

Overall pleased with a final position of 29th considering how underprepared i felt going in. My skills were up to speed but my engine was lacking.