30 min Airdyne
- 351 cals
Team WOD
AMRAP 15 minutes
10 C&J @70kg
20 lateral burpees
- 8+8
2 minutes max KB swings @24kg
2 minutes rest
2 minutes max KB swings @24kg
- 61 unbroken, 43. Felt like popeye!
Monday, 28 October 2013
Friday, 25 October 2013
Thursday 24.10.13
A. Split jerk from rack, build to max.
- 100, 110, 120, 127.5 PB, 130 PB,
B1. CGBP, 5 sets x 3 reps. 60s rest
- 80kg across, all comfortable.
B2. Single arm row, 5 sets x 10 reps/each arm. 60s rest
- 25kg
For time: (15 minute time cap)
100 double unders
50 handstand push ups
40 T2B
30 axle bar STOH @72.5kg
90ft axle bar front rack lunge @72.5kg
- 17:55. I was in the first half of the lunges at the time cap which would have gave me a score of 15:02 at regionals. Felt like i was on target to complete it under the time cap when i got to the STOH but they crushed me and the time was gone before i knew it!
A. Split jerk from rack, build to max.
- 100, 110, 120, 127.5 PB, 130 PB,
B1. CGBP, 5 sets x 3 reps. 60s rest
- 80kg across, all comfortable.
B2. Single arm row, 5 sets x 10 reps/each arm. 60s rest
- 25kg
For time: (15 minute time cap)
100 double unders
50 handstand push ups
40 T2B
30 axle bar STOH @72.5kg
90ft axle bar front rack lunge @72.5kg
- 17:55. I was in the first half of the lunges at the time cap which would have gave me a score of 15:02 at regionals. Felt like i was on target to complete it under the time cap when i got to the STOH but they crushed me and the time was gone before i knew it!
axle bar,
double unders,
front rack,
single arm row,
split jerk,
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Wednesday 23.10.13
Only had time to fit in my Oly lifting before coaching tonight. I am going to change things around and try and split my sessions AM and PM to use my time more efficiently.
Snatch from low blocks, 2x2@70%, 2x2@80%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@95%
- 63, 63, 72, 72, 81, 81, 85, 85. Each rep felt fast and aggressive.
Clean from low blocks, 2x2@70%, 2x2@80%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@95%
- 91, 91, 104, 104, 114, 114, 124, 124X. Let the weight pull me forward on the second single at 124kg, landed in a poor catch position.
Snatch from low blocks, 2x2@70%, 2x2@80%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@95%
- 63, 63, 72, 72, 81, 81, 85, 85. Each rep felt fast and aggressive.
Clean from low blocks, 2x2@70%, 2x2@80%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@95%
- 91, 91, 104, 104, 114, 114, 124, 124X. Let the weight pull me forward on the second single at 124kg, landed in a poor catch position.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Deadlifts, Front Squats & T2B
A. Deficit deadlift, build to max
- 140, 150, 160, 170, 180. Called it here before form went, was still feeling weak from Saturdays nights binge drinking!
B. AMRAP deadlift @120kg
- 25 reps, stopped as soon as i felt my form start to break down. Throwing in a deadlift AMRAP once a week now to try and improve my ability to handle deadlifts for volume, will increase by 5kg next week.
7 minute ladder
3 front squat @100kg
3 T2B
6 front squat
6 T2B
As high as possible
- 12+4, felt weak! Alcohol is the devils juice!!
D. 3 x 5-8 Glute ham raise
- 3x8 @body weight, felt strong on these today will add load next time.
A. Deficit deadlift, build to max
- 140, 150, 160, 170, 180. Called it here before form went, was still feeling weak from Saturdays nights binge drinking!
B. AMRAP deadlift @120kg
- 25 reps, stopped as soon as i felt my form start to break down. Throwing in a deadlift AMRAP once a week now to try and improve my ability to handle deadlifts for volume, will increase by 5kg next week.
7 minute ladder
3 front squat @100kg
3 T2B
6 front squat
6 T2B
As high as possible
- 12+4, felt weak! Alcohol is the devils juice!!
D. 3 x 5-8 Glute ham raise
- 3x8 @body weight, felt strong on these today will add load next time.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Saturday 19.10.13
A. Snatch from low blocks
- 60, 70, 80, 85, 90 PB
B. Clean from low blocks
- 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 125 PB, 130 PB
Every 90s x 10 rounds
100m run
5 power clean @60kg
7 lateral burpees
* amrap lateral burpees for the reamaining time of round 10
- 10 rnds + 12 burpees
- 60, 70, 80, 85, 90 PB
B. Clean from low blocks
- 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 125 PB, 130 PB
Every 90s x 10 rounds
100m run
5 power clean @60kg
7 lateral burpees
* amrap lateral burpees for the reamaining time of round 10
- 10 rnds + 12 burpees
Friday 18.10.13
07:00 am
AMRAP 20 @80%
20 cal row
20 cal skierg
- 6 rnds, used this as a recovery piece.
10:30 am
A. 3 bench press @70%, every minute on the minute x9
- 70kg
B1. 8-12 snatch grip strict press x 4 sets - 1:00 rest
- 30kg
B2. Max unbroken strict C2B pull ups x 4 sets - 1:00 rest
- 7, 5, 5, 4
10 wall climbs
50m farmers walks @32kg/ea
100 double unders
50 down and ups
- 2+50m fw
4:30 pm
Accumulate 50 ring scarecrows
- Complete.
AMRAP 20 @80%
20 cal row
20 cal skierg
- 6 rnds, used this as a recovery piece.
10:30 am
A. 3 bench press @70%, every minute on the minute x9
- 70kg
B1. 8-12 snatch grip strict press x 4 sets - 1:00 rest
- 30kg
B2. Max unbroken strict C2B pull ups x 4 sets - 1:00 rest
- 7, 5, 5, 4
10 wall climbs
50m farmers walks @32kg/ea
100 double unders
50 down and ups
- 2+50m fw
4:30 pm
Accumulate 50 ring scarecrows
- Complete.
Thursday 17.10.13
EMOM x 12
2 front squat @85%
- 115kg, all sets felt fast.
Every 30s for 8 total reps
1 banded deadlift @50% + band tension
- 102.5kg + band tension
For time:
1 mile run
50 alternating pistols
30 hang snatch @70kg
- 17:54, snatches in doubles, pistols unbroken.
50 banded good mornings
- blue band
5 x 20 overhead sit ups
- 10kgx20x2, 7kgx20x3
2 front squat @85%
- 115kg, all sets felt fast.
Every 30s for 8 total reps
1 banded deadlift @50% + band tension
- 102.5kg + band tension
For time:
1 mile run
50 alternating pistols
30 hang snatch @70kg
- 17:54, snatches in doubles, pistols unbroken.
50 banded good mornings
- blue band
5 x 20 overhead sit ups
- 10kgx20x2, 7kgx20x3
Wednesday 16.10.13
Paused snatch, build to max - 2 second pause at knee
- 60, 70, 75, 80, 82.5, 85, 87.5, 91 PB
Paused clean & jerk, build to max - 2 second pause at knee
- 60, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 122.5 PB, 125 PB
30 bar muscle ups for time
- 5:04
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Ok so i've been really lazy on posting recently, this is due to a multitude of reasons but after a few messages asking where my posts have gone i'm back to it!
Floor press, build to max
- 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 102.5kg PB
EMOM x10
Even - 5 strict weight ring dips @10kg
Odd - 12 pendlay row @50kg
- Complete, heavier on both movements next week
AMRAP 10 minutes
200m run
10 handstand push up
5 power clean @80kg
- 5+100m run, all unbroken but felt slow on the runs.
1 mile sled drag for time @60kg
- 41:29, the long steady incline made this very intresting.
EMOM x30
0 to 10 minutes
Even - 10 cal row
Odd - 12 unbroken pull ups
10 to 20 minutes
Even - 10 cal skierg
Odd - 12 burpees
20 - 30 minutes
Even - 10 cal row
Odd - 15 ball slams @32kg
Floor press, build to max
- 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 102.5kg PB
EMOM x10
Even - 5 strict weight ring dips @10kg
Odd - 12 pendlay row @50kg
- Complete, heavier on both movements next week
AMRAP 10 minutes
200m run
10 handstand push up
5 power clean @80kg
- 5+100m run, all unbroken but felt slow on the runs.
1 mile sled drag for time @60kg
- 41:29, the long steady incline made this very intresting.
EMOM x30
0 to 10 minutes
Even - 10 cal row
Odd - 12 unbroken pull ups
10 to 20 minutes
Even - 10 cal skierg
Odd - 12 burpees
20 - 30 minutes
Even - 10 cal row
Odd - 15 ball slams @32kg
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