Wednesday 15 October 2014

Accumulation Block

Going forward i will post my training a couple of days at a time, i will post Monday and Tuesday together and Thursday, Friday and Saturday together.

Monday 13.10.2014

Every 3 minutes x10 sets
45s AMRAP 20m shuttle (10m turn around
- 8-7 each round, was struggling to keep the turn around sharp as my calf are still mega sore from Saturdays running.

A. Vertical jump for squat position; max height
- 10ft wallball line, i had 4-5 attempts 10ft every time just couldn't get any higher 

B. Deficit clean deadlift @4"; build to max
- 60, 80, 100, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 175x; 4" is low! It put the barbell almost on top of my foot. I really focused on performing a clean deadlift and not just turning it into a regular deadlift. Form felt great up to 170kg, lost the clean positions at 175kg so called it there.

C. Back squat; 5x4@75-85%; Every 2 minutes
- Complete at 125kg, legs are feeling weak at the minute so i'm excited to see the numbers start to increase again! 

3 sets; 60-90 seconds rest
5-7 BTN pull ups
16 KB step ups @16"
- BTN pull ups bothered my shoulder so only hit 5's here. Grip rather than leg endurance was the limiter for the step ups, 24kg for two sets and 27.5kg dumbbells for the last.

3 sets; 2 minute rest
6-8 bent over rows @2011
10-12 good morning
- 60(8), 70(8), 80(7) stayed strict with the tempo. Goodmornings were for range of motion over weight, even at 30kg my hamstrings are sore today!!

 3 sets; no rest
12 hammer curls @12.5kg
20 butterfly sit ups
- Good old fashioned pump work! It was originally programmed as 20 GHD situps but i got a strange burning/stretching sensation in my lower abs during the back squats so aired on the side of caution and subbed sit ups. 

Tuesday 14.10.2014

A. Snatch drops; 3x3;
- 40kg, focus was on speed and footwork

B. Snatch; 3x5@70-75%; 3 minute rest
- Complete at 70kg, no misses.

C. PC + HPC + SJ @65-70%; EMOM x9
- Complete at 85kg.

3 sets; 60 seconds rest
12 KB floor press
20 banded KB swing
- Found the kb floor press akward, had to really focus on keeping the elbows tight and palms facing each other. Banded kb swings lit up the glutes, 24kg with a red band.

For time:
15 power clean - 60kg
500m row
10 deficit hspu - 6"
500m row
10 deficit hspu - 6"
500m row
15 power clean - 60kg
- 10:56; Kept all three rows to 1:49/500m average, could maybe have pushed a little harder here as this felt comfortable. Completed both sets of power clean in two sets of 10-5, the rest between the sets was limited. First set of hspu felt strong completeing them unbroken but struggled with the second set, breaking 5-3-2.

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