Monday 20 October 2014

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Thursday 16.10.2014

A. Crossover symmetry
- I perform this as part of my warm up everyday now, hopefully start to see some carry over in my overhead strength and stability.

B. 5 ring flys + 10 ring push ups; 3 sets

C. Wtd. pull up; 3rm
- 6, 12, 16, 20, 24

D. CGBP; 8rm
- 40-80kg in 10kg increments. I hit 11 reps at 80kg last week so this is not a true 8rm but was definitely all i had today. Pressing is a huge weakness of mine but it's something i'm addressing during this phase of the program.

E. 3 sets
8-10 wtd. ring dips; 30 seconds rest
8 L/R single arm row; 1 minute rest
- 5kg(x10x2), 7.5kg(8) / 25kg(x8x3)

F. 5 sets
10 strict hspu
10 T2B
20 second L-sit hang
30s rest
- Struggled with the hspu, first set broke 3-2-2-1-1-1, decided to scale back and use an ab mat for the reaming sets and completed them all as 5-3-2. All T2B unbroken without any problems but these made the L-sit hang incredibly difficult!!

E. 200 banded tricep push downs
-  Trying to strengthen those triceps to carry over in to all the pressing movements.

Friday 17.10.2014

A. Seated broad jump; max distance
- Around 10ft

B. Front squat @2110; 12x2@75%; EMOM
- Complete at 105kg, the short pause in the hole made these a little more difficult than usual.

C. Snatch; 12x1@70%; EMOM
- Complete at 70kg, no misses.

D1. Glute ham raise; 4x6; 10s rest
D2. Pistols; 4x20; 10s rest
D3. DB snatch; 4x10; 10s rest
D4; 150m row @100% x4; 2 minute rest

E. 100 banded glute hip bridges
- Thin blue band, 50-25-25

Saturday 18.10.2014

6x1000m row @70%; 2 minute rest
- 3:50.3, 3:48.2, 3:49.6, 3:49.2, 3:49.5, 3:48.5

A. Z-press 5 minute AMRAP
- 105 reps (25, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5) this really lit up the shoulders and triceps!!

B. Power clean; build to max
- 115, 120x. No power in the hips today! Glutes and hamstrings are really sore from last nights session.

For time:
750m row
Power clean @100kg
Muscle ups
750m row
- 18:21. Stayed at around 80% on the first row and held 1:49/500m average. Singles all the way through on the power cleans, these felt so heavy!! I was hoping to go through the muscle ups unbroken but thought that was out of the question after the z-press amrap. Surprisingly the muscle ups felt awesome and i got through them all unbroken.

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