Monday, 17 February 2014

17.02.2014 - Back to Normal AM + PM


For time: 
90 wall balls @9kg
70 kb snatch @24kg 
50 over the box jumps @24"
30 T2B
10 muscle ups
- 15:43, 19 seconds slower than my previous time but that was after a peaking phase for the London Throwdown and not at 6am! My shoulders blew up a lot earlier into the wall balls than i expected. Was aiming for at least 50 to start but had to break at 40, followed by 20 then three sets of 10. KB snatches were 5 per arm and muscle ups 4-3-3. 


A1. 4 minute window, 3 snatches for total load
- 80, 85, 90. 

A2. 4 minute window, 3 cleans for total load
- 110, 120, 130x 

B. Snatch deadlift; 3-3-3-3; heaviest possible
- 100, 110, 120, 125

C. True ring push ups; 4x12-16; 90s rest
- 16, 16, 16, 12

Conditioning @90%
30:30 row x8

156m, 151m, 148m, 152m, 158m, 153m, 155m, 153m. Major lactic acid build up in my glutes!!

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