Wednesday 15 January 2014

14/01/2014 - AM Conditioning + PM Training


400m run @80%
21 KB swings @32kg
12 pHSPU 
- 8 minutes rest
400m row @80%
21 wallballs @9kg
12 strict ring dips
- 5:12/3:00. pHSPU's in 2's to 4" depth. Unbroken kb swings and wallballs. Ring dips 9-3

The gyms very quiet at 6am


A. Hang power clean + power clean + push jerk x 6sets - rest 3 minutes (progressive but no misses)
- 70, 75, 80, 85, 87.5, 90. Should have started around 80kg, complex felt much sharper at and above this weight.

B1. Push press, 6-8 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest
- 50kgx12x3. Miss read the program thought it was 10-12 reps instead instead of 6-8. 

B2. Front rack lunge, 8-12 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest (Same weight for PP and lunge)
- 50kgx12x3. Would have been heavier had i read B1 correctly.

B3. T2B @5122, 6 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest
- Managed to stick to the tempo for the first set but after that i struggled.

C1. Weighted back extenstion, 8-10 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest
- 20kgx10x2, 25kgx10x1

C2. Tuck crunches, 25 reps x 3 sets - 2:00 rest
- Wow these fried my abs! First two sets unbroken, third set broke 15-10.

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