For time @80%
1000m run
6 hang cleans @100kg
8 muscle ups
10 burpee box jumps @24"
- 16:15. Stayed fairly consistent through the 2 rounds, i finished the first round at 7:49. So only 21 seconds difference between the first and second round. I broke the hang cleans into two sets of 3 and performed them all as hang power cleans, these felt really good! I actually hit a 5 rep max PB of 100kg for hang power clean warming up!! The muscle ups i did in two sets as well, but a set of 5 and a set of 3 each round.
Friday, 31 January 2014
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
28.01.2014 - CrossFit Thames
It's not big and it's not clever to do your AM & PM sessions in one go, but sometimes it has to be done. Today was one of those times, i'm in London with work until Thursday so didn't have time to get to the gym for my AM session. I did however have time to get over to Canary Wharf and train at CrossFit Thames.
Since I was doing both sessions in one go i started with the PM strength work followed by the AM conditioning.
A. Power snatch + snatch balance + overhead squat; every 2 minutes x10 sets
- 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 72.5, 75, 77.5, 80, 82.5. Started light and ramped up in weight since my snatch had been feeling sketch recently.
B. 2 Front squat @75%; every minute x10 sets
- 105kg no real issues here other than my legs feeling tired.
For time @100%
10 thrusters @50kg
10 c2b pull ups
10 thrusters
- rest 4 minutes -
15 kb swings @32kg
15 burpee tuck jumps
- rest 4 minutes -
15 c2b pull ups
7 squat clean @70kg
12 burpees to plate
1:14 - unbroken, second set of thrusters felt heavy
1:13 - unbroken
1:59 - unbroken c2b, fast singles on cleans.
Monday, 27 January 2014
27/01/2014 - AM Strength
A. 9x2 Box jump overs @30"
B. Power clean; 1.1.1 (10s rest) x 6 sets; 3 minutes rest.
- 90, 95, 95, 97, 100. I did 2 sets at 95kg as i loaded up 95kg instead of 92kg by mistake.
C. Bench press; 5-5-5-ME; 3 minutes rest.
- 70x5x3, 70x15. Think i did this wrong and should have increased weight each set. I also cut the rest down to 2 minutes as i was short on time.
D. Weighted ring dip; 3x6-8; 2 minutes rest
- 5kgx6x3. This is a major weakness for me!
B. Power clean; 1.1.1 (10s rest) x 6 sets; 3 minutes rest.
- 90, 95, 95, 97, 100. I did 2 sets at 95kg as i loaded up 95kg instead of 92kg by mistake.
C. Bench press; 5-5-5-ME; 3 minutes rest.
- 70x5x3, 70x15. Think i did this wrong and should have increased weight each set. I also cut the rest down to 2 minutes as i was short on time.
D. Weighted ring dip; 3x6-8; 2 minutes rest
- 5kgx6x3. This is a major weakness for me!
Sunday, 26 January 2014
25/01/2014 - AM Conditioning + PM Strength
3 minute AMRAP @80%
5 muscle ups
35 double unders
- 4 minute rest -
5 minute AMRAP @80%
10 overhead squats @50kg
10m forwards bear crawl
10m backwards bear crawl
- 4 minute rest -
5 minute AMRAP @80%
5 wall climbs
20 KB swings @32kg
3 - unbroken, muscle ups felt good.
4 - unbroken, the bear crawls made my hips feel like they were cramping!
2+1 - wall climbs fried my shoulders!
A. 3 position snatch (hang + below knee hang + floor) x6 sets, 3-5 minutes rest.
- 60, 65, 70, 75, 80x, 80
B. EMOM x10
3 push jerk @70-75%
- 80kg. Worked on t&g cycling of reps.
C. Good morning, 5-5-3-3 @3311
- 40, 45, 50, 55
D. 3x8-10 weighted GHD sit ups
- 3x10 with 9kg dynamax ball
3 minute AMRAP @80%
5 muscle ups
35 double unders
- 4 minute rest -
5 minute AMRAP @80%
10 overhead squats @50kg
10m forwards bear crawl
10m backwards bear crawl
- 4 minute rest -
5 minute AMRAP @80%
5 wall climbs
20 KB swings @32kg
3 - unbroken, muscle ups felt good.
4 - unbroken, the bear crawls made my hips feel like they were cramping!
2+1 - wall climbs fried my shoulders!
A. 3 position snatch (hang + below knee hang + floor) x6 sets, 3-5 minutes rest.
- 60, 65, 70, 75, 80x, 80
B. EMOM x10
3 push jerk @70-75%
- 80kg. Worked on t&g cycling of reps.
C. Good morning, 5-5-3-3 @3311
- 40, 45, 50, 55
D. 3x8-10 weighted GHD sit ups
- 3x10 with 9kg dynamax ball
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Friday 24/01/2014
2 sets -w- 5 minutes rest between sets @100%
40s window
3 thrusters @60kg
AMRAP burpees
3:20 rest
- Set 1 - 16, 15, 15, 14
Set 2 - 15, 14, 14, 14
A. Box jump max height - (20kg plate jumps)
- 51", 54"xx
B. Back squat 4-4-4-4 @3x12
- 110, 120, 130, 132.5. Should have did all 4 sets at 120-130kg
C. 2 clean EMOM x12 @75%
- 97.5kg
40s window
3 thrusters @60kg
AMRAP burpees
3:20 rest
- Set 1 - 16, 15, 15, 14
Set 2 - 15, 14, 14, 14
A. Box jump max height - (20kg plate jumps)
- 51", 54"xx
B. Back squat 4-4-4-4 @3x12
- 110, 120, 130, 132.5. Should have did all 4 sets at 120-130kg
C. 2 clean EMOM x12 @75%
- 97.5kg
Catch Up
I've not posted for over a week, i forgot to post my sessions from Thursday and Friday. I then went to London for the weekend to watch the Battle of London and then on holiday to Budapest for 4 days. So here are the sessions from Thursday and Friday.
Thursday 16th
Every 4 minutes x10 sets
alternate between
1) 5 no push up burpee tuck jumps + 25m sprint
2) 5 touch and go C&J @60kg + 25m sprint
A. Box jump 9x2@70%. (alternate between static take off and dynamic take off)
- 38"
B. Snatch balance, 5x3 (heavy) - 1 minute rest
- 75kg
C. Hang snatch, 2-2-2-2-2 - 3 minutes rest
- 60, 65, 70, 75, 80
D1. Close grip bench press 5 reps x 3 sets @70% - 30 seconds rest
- 70kg
D2. Snatch deadlift, 3 reps x 3 sets @90-100% - 2:30 rest
Friday 17th
7 min AMRAP @80%
200m run
10 KB swings @24kg
30 double unders
10 KB snatch @24kg
- 6 minutes rest
7 min AMRAP @80%
250m row
5 DB man makers @20kg e/a
10 DB lunges
5 C2B pull ups
- 6 minutes rest
7 min AMRAP @80%
200m run
10 pull ups
10 DB thrusters @20kg e/a
- 30 minutes rest -
A. Split jerk, 3-3-3
- 90, 100, 110 PB??
B. Front squat, build to a heavy 5
- 60, 80, 100, 110, 120x(3) legs felt fried but the upper back was the limiting factor.
C. EMOM x10
Clean + hang clean @70%
- 91kg
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
14/01/2014 - AM Conditioning + PM Training
400m run @80%
21 KB swings @32kg
12 pHSPU
- 8 minutes rest
400m row @80%
21 wallballs @9kg
12 strict ring dips
- 5:12/3:00. pHSPU's in 2's to 4" depth. Unbroken kb swings and wallballs. Ring dips 9-3
A. Hang power clean + power clean + push jerk x 6sets - rest 3 minutes (progressive but no misses)
- 70, 75, 80, 85, 87.5, 90. Should have started around 80kg, complex felt much sharper at and above this weight.
B1. Push press, 6-8 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest
- 50kgx12x3. Miss read the program thought it was 10-12 reps instead instead of 6-8.
B2. Front rack lunge, 8-12 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest (Same weight for PP and lunge)
- 50kgx12x3. Would have been heavier had i read B1 correctly.
B3. T2B @5122, 6 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest
- Managed to stick to the tempo for the first set but after that i struggled.
C1. Weighted back extenstion, 8-10 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest
- 20kgx10x2, 25kgx10x1
C2. Tuck crunches, 25 reps x 3 sets - 2:00 rest
- Wow these fried my abs! First two sets unbroken, third set broke 15-10.
400m run @80%
21 KB swings @32kg
12 pHSPU
- 8 minutes rest
400m row @80%
21 wallballs @9kg
12 strict ring dips
- 5:12/3:00. pHSPU's in 2's to 4" depth. Unbroken kb swings and wallballs. Ring dips 9-3
The gyms very quiet at 6am
A. Hang power clean + power clean + push jerk x 6sets - rest 3 minutes (progressive but no misses)
- 70, 75, 80, 85, 87.5, 90. Should have started around 80kg, complex felt much sharper at and above this weight.
B1. Push press, 6-8 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest
- 50kgx12x3. Miss read the program thought it was 10-12 reps instead instead of 6-8.
B2. Front rack lunge, 8-12 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest (Same weight for PP and lunge)
- 50kgx12x3. Would have been heavier had i read B1 correctly.
B3. T2B @5122, 6 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest
- Managed to stick to the tempo for the first set but after that i struggled.
C1. Weighted back extenstion, 8-10 reps x 3 sets - 30s rest
- 20kgx10x2, 25kgx10x1
C2. Tuck crunches, 25 reps x 3 sets - 2:00 rest
- Wow these fried my abs! First two sets unbroken, third set broke 15-10.
back extension,
push jerk,
Push Press,
tuck crunch,
Monday, 13 January 2014
AM Rowing + PM Training
10 minute row @70%
- 10 minute rest
10 minute row @80%
*goal is 5000m+
- 2455m, 2558m = 5013m. It feels more difficult to keep the splits down on my rower in comparison to the rowers at the gym.
A. Max weighted seated box jump @24"
- 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Ran out of ways to load, had 3 weight vests on to get 40kg.
B. Back squat, 3-3-3-3-3 @3x11 - 2-3 minutes rest
- 110, 115, 120, 125, 130. Tempo squats are a whole different ball game!
EMOM x10
Even - 5 power snatch @70-75%
Odd - Max chin ups @3111
- Snatches unbroken touch and go. 10-6-5-4-4 the tempo made the chins hard, it was tough to stick to hence the low numbers.
Every 3 minutes x4 sets
5 deadlift @70%
20m prowler push - tough but constant movement
- Unbroken deadlifts at 140kg. No prowler so i loaded a sled up with 50kg and pushed it.
10 minute row @70%
- 10 minute rest
10 minute row @80%
*goal is 5000m+
- 2455m, 2558m = 5013m. It feels more difficult to keep the splits down on my rower in comparison to the rowers at the gym.
A. Max weighted seated box jump @24"
- 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Ran out of ways to load, had 3 weight vests on to get 40kg.
B. Back squat, 3-3-3-3-3 @3x11 - 2-3 minutes rest
- 110, 115, 120, 125, 130. Tempo squats are a whole different ball game!
EMOM x10
Even - 5 power snatch @70-75%
Odd - Max chin ups @3111
- Snatches unbroken touch and go. 10-6-5-4-4 the tempo made the chins hard, it was tough to stick to hence the low numbers.
Every 3 minutes x4 sets
5 deadlift @70%
20m prowler push - tough but constant movement
- Unbroken deadlifts at 140kg. No prowler so i loaded a sled up with 50kg and pushed it.
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Saturday and Sunday
5 sets
15 wall ball @9kg to 10ft
5 power clean @100kg
20x10m shuttles
15 box jumps @24"
10 c2b pull ups
- 3 minutes rest
*change the order of exercises each round*
3:23 (as wrote),
3:15 (pc, sh, bj, c2b, wb)
3:51 (sh, bj, c2b, wb, pc)
4:12 (bj, c2b, wb, pc, sh)
3:55 (c2b, wb, pc, sh, bj)
Hardest rounds were with the power cleans at the end.
2 hour recovery walk
Thursday, 9 January 2014
09/01/14 - 10/01/14
30 minute AD @Z1
- 437 calories
1000m row
- 20 minutes rest
1000m row
- 3:20.2, 3:24.6. Felt really shitty after the first row for around 15 minutes. 3:20 is 2 seconds slower than the PB i rowed at last years London Throwdown.
30 minute AD @Z1
- 437 calories
1000m row
- 20 minutes rest
1000m row
- 3:20.2, 3:24.6. Felt really shitty after the first row for around 15 minutes. 3:20 is 2 seconds slower than the PB i rowed at last years London Throwdown.
08/01/14 - HSPU, HPC & DU's
5 Strict HSPU
10 Hang power clean @60kg
25 Unbroken double unders
- 5+4. Unbroken hang cleans and double unders. Really struggled with the strict hspu after the first round. Major weakness for me is upper body pressing.
5 Strict HSPU
10 Hang power clean @60kg
25 Unbroken double unders
- 5+4. Unbroken hang cleans and double unders. Really struggled with the strict hspu after the first round. Major weakness for me is upper body pressing.
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Deadlift, CGBP & 500m Row Intervals
A. Deadlift, build to max
- 60x10, 80x5, 100x5, 120x3, 140, 160, 180, 200. Stopped here as my back and glutes were still sore from Sundays session.
Rest 10 minutes
AMRAP @85%
- 4 reps @170kg
B. Close grip bench press, build to max
- 40x3, 60x3, 70x3, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100
Rest 10 minutes
AMRAP @85%
- 7 reps @85kg
500m row
90s rest
500m row
- 1:32.4, 1:38.3. Set off to slow on the 500m interval and couldn't pull it back in the last 250m to finish sub 1:30
- 60x10, 80x5, 100x5, 120x3, 140, 160, 180, 200. Stopped here as my back and glutes were still sore from Sundays session.
Rest 10 minutes
AMRAP @85%
- 4 reps @170kg
B. Close grip bench press, build to max
- 40x3, 60x3, 70x3, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100
Rest 10 minutes
AMRAP @85%
- 7 reps @85kg
500m row
90s rest
500m row
- 1:32.4, 1:38.3. Set off to slow on the 500m interval and couldn't pull it back in the last 250m to finish sub 1:30
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
05/01/14 - Strict Press, Power Cleans, Rowing & Diane
A.Strict press, build to max
-10 minutes
AMRAP @85%
- 50, 52.5, 55, 57.5, 60, 62.5, 65, 67.5x, Dissapointing to be 10kg under your previous best!
-7 reps @55kg
B. Power clean, build to max.
- 2 minutes rest
AMRAP 8 minuts @90%
- 60x2, 70x2, 80x2, 90x2, 100, 105, 110, 112.5
- 25 reps @101kg
60s row
5 minutes rest
5 minutes rest
Deadlift @102.5kg
Handstand push ups
- 313m, 320m
- 5:29 PB.
A.Strict press, build to max
-10 minutes
AMRAP @85%
- 50, 52.5, 55, 57.5, 60, 62.5, 65, 67.5x, Dissapointing to be 10kg under your previous best!
-7 reps @55kg
B. Power clean, build to max.
- 2 minutes rest
AMRAP 8 minuts @90%
- 60x2, 70x2, 80x2, 90x2, 100, 105, 110, 112.5
- 25 reps @101kg
60s row
5 minutes rest
5 minutes rest
Deadlift @102.5kg
Handstand push ups
- 313m, 320m
- 5:29 PB.
Sunday, 5 January 2014
AD Recovery
Airdyne 45 minutes @Z1
Every 5 minutes max effort HS walk
- 469 calories, no room to handstand walk in my garage so i subbed 30s handstand hold each time.
Every 5 minutes max effort HS walk
- 469 calories, no room to handstand walk in my garage so i subbed 30s handstand hold each time.
Friday, 3 January 2014
Rude Awakening!
A. Max effort box jump, 5 minute limit
- 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48 inches. Wasn't feeling particularly explosive today.
B. Power snatch, build to max
- 60, 70, 75, 80, 82.5
2 minutes rest
For time 20x77% of max
- 2:12 @63kg Couldn't get the T&G reps flowing at all, 6-3 then singles. Was expecting to finish around the 1:30 mark for this working from my Isabel time.
My engine is a long way off where i thought it was, but not to worried as i'm more concerned about the big goal rather than the open. Glad i took the time off and relaxed more over the festive period as my body feels good again.
- 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48 inches. Wasn't feeling particularly explosive today.
B. Power snatch, build to max
- 60, 70, 75, 80, 82.5
2 minutes rest
For time 20x77% of max
- 2:12 @63kg Couldn't get the T&G reps flowing at all, 6-3 then singles. Was expecting to finish around the 1:30 mark for this working from my Isabel time.
My engine is a long way off where i thought it was, but not to worried as i'm more concerned about the big goal rather than the open. Glad i took the time off and relaxed more over the festive period as my body feels good again.
Front Squat, Weighted Pull Up and Rowing Testing
After a very lazy period of posting and a few weeks of relaxed training it's time to get back on top of both. Today is the first day of testing of Andy Edwards programming.
A. Front squat 1rm
- 60x5, 80x3, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140x. Down 10kg on my previous max but to be expected after poor training over the festive period. Legs felt strong enough but rounded through the upper back.
Rest 10 minutes
B. Front squat, AMRAP @85%
- 110x9. Things started to get pretty dark!!
C. Weighted pull up 1rm
- 10, 15, 20, 24, 30, 32, 36
Rest 10 mintues
D. Weighted pull up, AMRAP @(BW+1rm x 0.85)
- 18kgx7
E. Row 30:30 x8
- 156m, 155m, 155m, 155m, 158m, 154m, 157m, 160m. Holy butt cheeks!! Glutes are fried from the marathon row on Tuesday!!
A. Front squat 1rm
- 60x5, 80x3, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140x. Down 10kg on my previous max but to be expected after poor training over the festive period. Legs felt strong enough but rounded through the upper back.
Rest 10 minutes
B. Front squat, AMRAP @85%
- 110x9. Things started to get pretty dark!!
C. Weighted pull up 1rm
- 10, 15, 20, 24, 30, 32, 36
Rest 10 mintues
D. Weighted pull up, AMRAP @(BW+1rm x 0.85)
- 18kgx7
E. Row 30:30 x8
- 156m, 155m, 155m, 155m, 158m, 154m, 157m, 160m. Holy butt cheeks!! Glutes are fried from the marathon row on Tuesday!!
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