Friday, 21 March 2014

19.03.2014 - AM Rowing + PM Training


500m row @80%
90s rest
x6 (3 minutes rest between 3+4)

1:47-1:49 - Felt great, aim was to hold a 1:50/500m pace. 


A. Push press, build to a heavy single
60, 70, 80, 90, 100x, 100

5 minute AMRAP (open pace)
3 STOH - 55kg
3 T2B
5 T2B
7 T2B
Etc ...

5 minutes rest

For time:
1000m row
100 double unders
50 thrusters - 45kg

13+1 - Unbroken through the 11's then 9+4. STOH are feeling a lot stronger now, just need to remember to breath through the sets.
8:13 - Subbed burpees for thrusters as the squat was giving me a lot of knee pain. Row was around 3:49 and unbroken double unders.

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