Tuesday, 8 April 2014

07.04.2014 - Max Effort Lower

First day of the off season program.


30 minute Z1 row


A. OHS, max effort
10 - 80kg PB
5 - 90kg
3 - 100kg PB
1 - 110kg
You could definitely tell which of my shoulders has the labrum tear, stabilising it became really hard so called it at 110kg. 

B. Bulgarian split squats; 3 sets x 8-12 reps
40, 45, 50

C. RDL; 3 sets x 8-12 reps
60, 70, 80

D. 100m walking lunge
3:22 @20kg weight vest

E. 8x25m heavy sled drag
100kg, alternated between forwards and backwards drag.

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