Friday, 29 August 2014

28.08.2014 - Thorium Throwdown #3

10 minute window
42 burpee over box jumps - 24"
42 wall ball - 9kg
42 pull ups
AMRAP muscle ups

18 muscle ups (6:35) 

Paced the BBOJ to avoid gassing out, finished them at 2:47. Felt strong on the wall balls but broke 30-12 to save the shoulders for the muscle ups. Think i was a little to conservative on the pull ups as i wasn't sure how i would do going straight into muscle ups, broke them 15-12-9-6. Two sets of 15 and a 12 would have been better probably. 

27.08.2014 - Back Squats & C&J

A. Back squat; 3-2-1-3-2-1; 2-3 minute rest
140(3), 150(2), 160(1), 145(3), 155(2), 165x

B. C&J; 8 sets build to 80%; Every 2 minutes
70 - 105kg - Easy

25.08.2014 - AM Strength + PM LacEnd


A. Cluster; 1.1; EMOM x10
80 x4 sets, 85 x3 set, 90 x3 set - Then 100 x1 rep, 110 x1 rep PB

B. Front squat @33X1; 3-3-3-3-3
70, 80, 90, 100, 110 - Started light, lower back twinge

C1. Strict press; 8 x3; 30s rest
40, 50, 60 - Started too light

C2. KB step ups; 12 x3; 30s rest
2x24kg - Tough

C3. Banded goodmoring; 36 x3; 1 minute rest
Green band


25 second row @100%
3 minute rest
x4 sets

- 5 minute rest

12-9-6 FT @100%
SDHP - 50kg
Burpee to 6" reach

142m, 147m, 146m, 147m

23.08.2014 - AM Thorium #1 + PM Snatch


Thorium Throwdown #1
3 minute AMRAP
1 minute rest

93 reps @53kg (35-30-28)


A. Seated box jump; 9x2; EMOM

B. Snatch balance; 5x3; 1 minute rest
60 - Stayed light, wasn't feeling fast. Slight twinge in my lower back from the AM work.

C. Snatch; 2-2-2-2-2; 3 minute rest
60, 70, 80, 90x(1), 80

22.08.2014 - LacEnd + Strength

2 sets @100%
6 kb swings - 40kg
40m shuttle (20-20m)
3 minute rest

- 3 minute rest

12-9-6 FT @100%
Thrusters - 40kg
Pull ups

- 5 minute rest

12-9-6 FT @100%
OHS - 40kg
Burpee box jump - 24"

20s each 
2:59 - Jelly legs

A. PC + HC + 2 SJ; 6 sets; 3 minute rest
90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115 - Felt really good here!

B1. Clean pull; 2x6; 30s rest
130 x3 sets, 135 x3 sets

B2. Floor press; 5x6; 2:30 rest

Friday, 22 August 2014

21.08.2014 - PS, BS, Wtd. PU & MAP

A. Box jump; build to max height in 5 minutes

B. Power snatch; 10x3@65-70%; Every 90 seconds
5 sets @55kg, 5 sets @60kg - All sets touch and go, focused on efficiency. 

C. Back squat; 5-5-5-5-5
130, 135, 140, 145, 150 PB

D. Pull up; 5-5-5-5-5; Rest 90 seconds
BW, 5kg, 7.5kg, 10kg, 12.5kg

750m row @85%

- 3 minute rest -

For time @85%
300m row
15 burpees
12 kb swings @32kg

- 3 minute rest -

3 minute AMRAP
6 T2B
30 double unders


Tuesday, 19 August 2014

19.08.2014 - Running, HPC, MU & BBJ

2 RFT @80%
1000m run
6 hang clean - 100kg
8 muscle ups
10 burpee box jumps - 24"

15:08 PB - Steady runs, first a little quicker than the second. Unbroken cleans first round, 3-3 second round. Unbroken muscle ups both rounds. Step down BBJ first round, jump down second round. 1:07 PB since January.

18.08.2014 - Thorium Throwdown Tester

A. PS + SB + OHS; Every 2 minutes x10
60, 65, 70, 75, 77.5, 80, 82.5, 85, 87.5 - Failed the power snatch at 87.5 but completed the complex.

B. Front squat; 2 @75% EMOM x10
150kg - Felt ok.

C1. Ring row @3121; 8-12 x5; 30s rest
10, 8, 8, 9, 8 - These were mega hard!! 

C2. RDL @30X1; 5 x5; 1 minute rest
80 x2, 90x2, 100x1

3 minute AMRAP - steady
GTOH @50kg

- 1 minute rest -

3 minute AMRAP - T&G
GTOH @45kg

- 1 minute rest -

3 minute max cal row

33 reps - All singles, easy breathing.
32 reps - Touch & go reps, was aiming for 10's but struggled to hit this was hitting 5-7 reps each set. This gassed me way more than the singles at 50kg.
62 cals - I was just holding on for the 3 minutes by this point.

Monday, 18 August 2014

16.08.2014 - AM MAP + PM Liting


5 sets @80%
500m row
20 over the rower burpee
12 T2B
- rest 2 minutes -

Started out a little bit too fast, should have aimed to hit 3:40 every set. All T2B unbroken and comfortable.


A. Over box jumps; 9x2@30"

B. Power clean cluster; 1.1.1 x 5sets; 10 second/3 minutes rest
90, 95, 100, 105, 110 

C. Bench press; 5-5-5-ME; 2-3 minutes rest
80x5x3, 80x10

D. Weighted ring dip; 3x6-8

E. Hammer curl; 3x12
12.5(12), 15(12), 15(12)

14.08.2014 - Snatches, Push Jerks & MAP

A. 3 position snatch (hang, below knee, floor) x6 sets; 3-5 minute rest
60, 70, 75, 80x (floor), 80, 85x (floor)

B. 3 push jerk EMOM x10
90 x6 sets, 95 x2 sets, 100 x3 sets - All reps T&G 

C. Good morning @3311; 5-5-3-3
40(5), 50(5), 55(5), 60(5)

3 minute AMRAP @80%
5 muscle ups
35 double unders

- rest 4 minutes -

5 minute AMRAP @80%
10 OHS @50kg
10m forward bear crawl
10m backward bear crawl

- rest 4 minutes - 

5 minute AMRAP @80%
5 wall climb
20 KB swings @24kg

3 unbroken
4+10 unbroken

Thursday, 14 August 2014

13.08.2014 - AM Lactic Intervals + PM Strength


40s window
3 thrusters @60kg
amrap burpees
- rest 3:20
- rest 5 mins


A. Box jump; max height (20kg plt increases only)
Built to 48" quickly

B. Back squat @30X2; 4-4-4-4
120, 130, 140, 145 - Tough grind on the last rep but feel like my legs are responding well to the tempo squats

C. 2 cleans EMOM x12
80, 85, 90, 95, 100x8

Catch Up & European Inferno

Ok, so i've been a little lazy posting. I started a 8 week build toward Thorium Throwdown last Monday, this means more intensity within the conditioning.

This weekend saw myself and Chris Porter compete in Cardiff at the European Inferno for the second year. After 6 events over two days we finished the weekend in 51st place in a field of 170ish mens teams, this included a 17th place finish in the down and shuttle sprint event.

Event 5 - 500m row, 600m run x2

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

01.08.2014 - Z1 + Strict Cindy

8400m ish, held a 2:07 - 2:10/500m pace

31.07.2014 - ME Lower

A. Low seated box jump; max height

B. Back squat; max
120, 140, 150, 160, 165 - Down 5kg on best but heading back in the right direction. 

C. Power snatch + snatch; heaviest in 12 minutes
40, 50, 60, 70, 72.5, 75, 77.5, 80, 82.5, 85 - Hips felt faster!

D. Snatch deadlift; 3x2@120%
120 - Straps

10 KB front lunges - 32kg/arm
20 back extensions
40m farmers walk - 32kg/hand
20m sled drag - 100kg
4+21 - Unbroken