Monday, 31 October 2011

Front Squats & Ball Slams

After a great weekend in Swansea spectating the DWF games I was highly motivated and inspired.

Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1

105 PB
107.5 PB
110 PB
112.5 f


Front Squats - 60kg
Ball Slams - 9kg

5.08 Rxd

First set of squats unbroken, second set broken into 5's, third set broken into 3's. All ball slams unbroken.

Hand realease push up work -
3x10 with 10kg vest
3x10 body weight

Friday, 28 October 2011

Snatch Balance, Leeds WOD & Team WOD

Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1

60 PR

Crossfit Leeds WOD

50 Double Unders
3 rds of:
20 H/R push ups
15 T2B
10 OHS - 50kg
50 Double Unders

11.06 PR (30kg) Previous PR 11.30 

Big improvement on my DU's but struggled to string the T2B's together for some reason, think i need to put some more work into these.

Team WOD

In pairs in a 20 minute window

Run 1 mile (carrying a 20kg plate)

Then AMRAP in the remaining time of:
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Length of tallest person Broad jump
  • 15 Air Squats
One person works at a time the weight plate cannot touch the ground onece the timer starts.

9 Rds + 11

Completed this WOD with Scott Fenwick, the mile run was hard just due to the akward load. The rest was fine.

Ring Work

Some inverted hangs to skin the cats. A few strict muscle ups. A weighted muscle up with a 10kg vest.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Rosie Grace & Weighted Pull Ups

Rosie Grace

Run 200m
15 Power Cleans - 60kg
Then 14 Rounds of:
  • 10 Over the bar Lateral jumps
  • 11 Air Squats
15 Power Cleans - 60kg
Run 200m

10.55 Rxd

This WOD was created to celebrate the birth of Rosie Grace, congratulations Chris and Caroline Parkes.

The last 200m run was tough with jelly legs!

Weighted Pull ups 1-1-1-1-1

27.5 PR

Mini Flight Simulator
Each stage must be unbroken and you must stop the rope before you move onto the next stage.

6.17 PR

Knocked just under 5 minutes of my last attempt, the new RX rope helped i think.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011



5 Rounds for the time of:
  • 5 Pull ups
  • 10 Burpees
  • 400m Run
12.28 Rxd

Was good to get back in the box after a few days working away. Didn't really know what to expect after a couple of days drinking and poor nutrition, i suprised myself.

Some pretty impressive stuff going on to say they are playing around.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Amazing Grace Barbells for Boobs


30 Clean & Jerks - 60kg

4.03 Rxd

Disspaointed with 4.03 i was aiming for sub 4 but i rushed a jerk and failed it.

Mikko Salo and Rob Orlando doing Grace

Friday, 21 October 2011

Front Squats, Ring Dips & Team WOD

Front Squats


Ring Dips

5x7 (weight belt fell off)

Team WOD (in pairs)

Paired with Seth

4 minute AMRAP
  • Partner bunny hop up and overs
rest 30 seconds
4 minute AMRAP
  • Partner crawl unders n overs
rest 30 seconds
4 minute AMRAP
  • One partner hangs off the bar whilst the other performs Squat jumps, as soon as the partner drops off change positions
rest 30 seconds
4 minute AMRAP
  • One partner performs a plank whilst the other partner performs KB swings, as soon as the plank is broken change positions
rest 30 seconds
FINISHER- standing on one leg hold a weight overhead for aslong as possible, 10kg/20kg.

Total Score - 374

Mini Flight Simulator

Each stage must be unbroken and you must stop the rope before you move onto the next stage.

11.35 Rxd

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Snatch work, Box Jumps & Goat work


50 x 1
52.5 x 1
55 x f, f, 1
57.5 x f, 1
60 x f, 1
62.5 x f, 1 PR
65 x f, f, f

Almost had 65kg all 3 times the first 2 attempts i lost out front, the last attempt i caught and as i stood my left elbow unlocked.

Snatch Pulls

70 x 3 x 3

Max Height Box Jump

52.5 inches PR

'Goat' WOD

5 rounds for time:
  • 5 HSPU's
  • 10 KB swings - 24kg
  • 20 Double unders
8.57 Rxd

All HSPU's and KB swings were unbroken, i used a kip on my HSPU's though.
I think i've finally cracked DU's 1st round i got 5-15, 2nd 3-7-10, 3rd 6-2-4-6-2, 4th 1's and 2's, 5th 20 unbroken!!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Deadlift,Press, Thruster/Push Up/Run Metcon


warm up to working set





5 rounds for time:
  • 5 Thrusters - 42.5kg
  • 10 H/R Push Up
  • 200m Run
 7.40 Rxd

All thrusters unbroken and 1st rep as a cluster. H/R push ups broken into two sets of 5 on the last round. I could shave some time of this by going harder on the runs, my 3rd and 4th runs were slow.

DU practice and some inverted ring hangs

Huge improvement on my DU's today, slowing everything down really helped and i found that rhythm.
I got 17,21 and 25 consecutive DU's, all 3 are PRs

I had a mess around on the rings inverted hangs to controlled lower/front lever. Some L hangs for around 10-15 seconds.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Annie, Max Pull Ups, HSPU & DU Practice


Double unders
Ab-mat sit ups (unanchored)


Such a frustrating workout for me, while i was warming up i was stringing together 5-9 DU's every time. As soon as that buzzer goes i can't get more than 2! All the sit ups were unbroken and quick.

HSPU work

1 ab-mat 5,3,4,3

10 HSPU's for time - 3.23

The 10 for time were full depth, the 1st rep was strict the other 9 were kipping. Broken up 2,4,4. I think if i start by kipping i could do 10 unbroken.

Max Pull Ups

3 sets of max pull ups with 2 minutes rest between efforts.

14, 11, 10

Really dissapointed with these numbers i was aiming for 20 first round. It felt likemy hands were about to rip so i tried to regrip the bar but ended up dropping off.

Double Under Practice

Mini flight simulator

Each stage must be unbroken and you must stop the rope before you move onto the next stage.

1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 - 4.36

30 DU's for time - 1.20

Monday, 17 October 2011

Back Squats/Push Press/Weighted Ring Dips

Back Squat


Pleased that i can still hit double figures as the weight is increasing, 100kg next week.

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

77.5 PR

I got the 3rd rep of 80kg above my head but i couldn't lock it out.

Weighted Ring Dips



5 rounds for time:
20 KB Swings - 24kg
20 Ball Slams - 9kg

I ran out of time before i got round to doing the WOD, I'm going to do it during open gym tomorrow before i whip myself to death during 'Annie'.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Jackie/Press/Weighted Pull Ups


1000m Row
50 Thrusters - 20kg
30 Pull Ups

9.29 Rxd

A little dissapointed with this time, i rowed a 3.30 1000m but rested to much on the thrusters i should have went for 2 sets of 20 and a set of 10.

I'd like to hit sub 8.00 on this in a couple of months keep the row where it is but do the thrusters in 2 sets of 25 and the pull ups in 3 sets of 10.

Row time/splits



Not sure how much more i have in me till i start to fail the 3rd set and have to reset my percentage.

Weighted Pull Up 3x3


Saturday, 15 October 2011

'Rest Day' - Handstand Push Up & Double Under Practice

Handstand push up practice

10 reps to 3 ab-mats
5 reps to 2 ab-mats
5 reps to 1 ab-mat
3 full HSPU's

30 minutes of double under practice.

These are really frustrating me, i managed to hit 8-5-7-6 then back to 1's and 2's!!

Front Squats & Team WOD

I previously logged my workout's here in the crossfit forum but from here on out i will post here.

Front Squats


Team WOD

In Pairs, For Time Of:
100 H/R Push Ups
100 Air Squats
100 Kettlebell Push Press - 24kg
100 Ball Slams, 9kg
100 Kettlebell Swings - 24kg
50 Broad Jumps - 6ft
50 Burpees

19:45 Rx'd

Team WOD was completed with David Butterfield. We broke up the 100 rep movements into 10's, the broad jumps into singles and the burpees into 5's

The KB swings slowed us down 24kg felt heavy after the push press and ball slams.

Partner Core Work:
1 Person Holds a Plank While Other Performs:
15 Sit Ups
15 Toes to Bar
3 Rounds Each