For time: (17 min time cap)
2000m row
50 pistols
30 hang clean - 102.5kg
25 cleans complete at the time cap PB, 18:37 complete PB. Steady away on the rower, got off at 7:30. Same with the pistols, just kept moving. Felt great aerobically, the weight just got heavy. Started with a triple, then a double, then singles for a while and a double in the middle.
A. Back squat; build to max.
60x3, 80x3, 100x3, 120x3, 140, 150, 160, 171x
B. Step ups; 3x8-12
60x12, 70x12, 80x12
C. Snatch deadlift; 3x8-12
80x12, 100x12, 120x10
Monday, 28 April 2014
Friday, 25 April 2014
25.04.2014 - Snatches, C&J's & Rowing
A. Hang power snatch; 3x2@75%
B. Snatch; 5x1@85%
85kg - 1 miss forward, made it up.
C. Hang power clean; 3x2@75%
D. C&J; 5x1@85%
107kg - Keep getting a really sharp pain in my forearm once i release the bar from overhead!
10 minute row @sub 2:00/500m
2583m, 1:57.1/500m average
B. Snatch; 5x1@85%
85kg - 1 miss forward, made it up.
C. Hang power clean; 3x2@75%
D. C&J; 5x1@85%
107kg - Keep getting a really sharp pain in my forearm once i release the bar from overhead!
10 minute row @sub 2:00/500m
2583m, 1:57.1/500m average
24.04.2014 - DE Upper
A. Plyo push up; 6x3
B. 3 bench press @70%, every minute x9
C. Incline DB press; 3x8-12
25(12)x2, 25(10)
D. 5 rounds
Max strict ring dips
Max supine ring row
90s rest
RD - 10, 8, 6, 6,7
RR - 16, 12, 10, 9, 8
E. Skull crushers; 3x8-12
20(12), 22.5(12), 25(12) - These don't feel like they work the tricep as much as the KB skull crushers do.
F. Cuban press; 3x20
1.25(20)x2, wooden dowel (20)
G. 100 banded tricep
B. 3 bench press @70%, every minute x9
C. Incline DB press; 3x8-12
25(12)x2, 25(10)
D. 5 rounds
Max strict ring dips
Max supine ring row
90s rest
RD - 10, 8, 6, 6,7
RR - 16, 12, 10, 9, 8
E. Skull crushers; 3x8-12
20(12), 22.5(12), 25(12) - These don't feel like they work the tricep as much as the KB skull crushers do.
F. Cuban press; 3x20
1.25(20)x2, wooden dowel (20)
G. 100 banded tricep
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
22.14.2014 - Snatch Work + Push Jerks
A. Snatch balance; 5x5 (no more than 50%)
30-50kg - Felt fast, focused on footwork and drive under.
B. Power snatch; 3x2@80%
C. Hang snatch; 5x2@80%
72kg - These felt really good.
D. Snatch high pull; 3x3@100%
100kg - First time doing these. How the hell do i snatch 100kg!!
E. Push jerk; 5x2@90%
100kg - I think this is a PB double!! Hardest part was bringing it back down.
30-50kg - Felt fast, focused on footwork and drive under.
B. Power snatch; 3x2@80%
C. Hang snatch; 5x2@80%
72kg - These felt really good.
D. Snatch high pull; 3x3@100%
100kg - First time doing these. How the hell do i snatch 100kg!!
E. Push jerk; 5x2@90%
100kg - I think this is a PB double!! Hardest part was bringing it back down.
21.04.2014 - AM Row + PM DE Lower
40 minute Z1 row
9321m, 2:08.7/500m average
A. Box jump; 9x2
B. Back squat; 12x2@70%; every 30s
C. 2 T&G power clean @70%; every 30s
D. Front rack lunge; 3x8-12
80(12), 90(12), 100(8) - Massive improvement since Manchester Games!!
E. Stiff leg deadlift; 3x8-12
80(12), 100(12), 120(10) - Holy hamstrings!!!
F. Tabata prowler push
Don't have access to a prowler so i used my car!
40 minute Z1 row
9321m, 2:08.7/500m average
A. Box jump; 9x2
B. Back squat; 12x2@70%; every 30s
C. 2 T&G power clean @70%; every 30s
D. Front rack lunge; 3x8-12
80(12), 90(12), 100(8) - Massive improvement since Manchester Games!!
E. Stiff leg deadlift; 3x8-12
80(12), 100(12), 120(10) - Holy hamstrings!!!
F. Tabata prowler push
Don't have access to a prowler so i used my car!
Saturday 19.04.2014
AMRAP 15 minutes
10 OHS - 60kg
10 C2B pull ups
10 box jumps - 30"
7 - Four rounds unbroken overhead squats, my elbows were getting really painful locked out overhead.
A. Bench press; 10-7-3x3-1-1-1
60 (10), 70(7), 80(3x3), 90(1), 100(1), 106(x)
3 handstand push up
3 strict ring dips
3 clapping push ups
7 - Really tough! Dropped to singles on the ring dips.
C. Skull crushers; 3x8-12
20(12), 22.5(12), 25(9) - Found using a barbell tougher than the KB last week.
D. 100 banded tricep push down
E. Incline reverse flies; 3x20
AMRAP 15 minutes
10 OHS - 60kg
10 C2B pull ups
10 box jumps - 30"
7 - Four rounds unbroken overhead squats, my elbows were getting really painful locked out overhead.
A. Bench press; 10-7-3x3-1-1-1
60 (10), 70(7), 80(3x3), 90(1), 100(1), 106(x)
3 handstand push up
3 strict ring dips
3 clapping push ups
7 - Really tough! Dropped to singles on the ring dips.
C. Skull crushers; 3x8-12
20(12), 22.5(12), 25(9) - Found using a barbell tougher than the KB last week.
D. 100 banded tricep push down
E. Incline reverse flies; 3x20
Friday 18.04.2014
5x1000m row @70%
90s rest
3:45, 3:45, 3:45, 3:45, 3:42
A. Hang power snatch; 3x2@70%
B. Snatch; 5x1@85%
C. Hang power clean; 3x2@70%
D. C&J; 5x1@85%
8x50m sprint (walk recovery)
5 minutes rest
3 RFT:
15 burpees
30 KB swings @24kg
5 minutes rest
4x50m sprint (walk recovery)
Sprints between 6-8s, these were not 100% all out as the slight hip/groin strain was in the back of my mind.
6:26 - just felt slow
5x1000m row @70%
90s rest
3:45, 3:45, 3:45, 3:45, 3:42
A. Hang power snatch; 3x2@70%
B. Snatch; 5x1@85%
C. Hang power clean; 3x2@70%
D. C&J; 5x1@85%
8x50m sprint (walk recovery)
5 minutes rest
3 RFT:
15 burpees
30 KB swings @24kg
5 minutes rest
4x50m sprint (walk recovery)
Sprints between 6-8s, these were not 100% all out as the slight hip/groin strain was in the back of my mind.
6:26 - just felt slow
Friday, 18 April 2014
17.04.2014 - ME Lower
A. Wide stance box squat; 3rm
150kg - First time doing these so didn't know what to expect, started at 60kg and increased 10kg each set. Video below is 130kg.
B. Bulgarian split sqaut; 3x8-12
Was getting a weird pain in my groin/hip flexor/low ab area during the split squat so decided not to push it and skip these.
C. Halting clean pulls; 3x5 (pause at launch)
100, 110, 120
D. 100 back extensions
E. Heavy sled drag; 8x25m
100kg - Alternated between forwards and backwards
150kg - First time doing these so didn't know what to expect, started at 60kg and increased 10kg each set. Video below is 130kg.
Was getting a weird pain in my groin/hip flexor/low ab area during the split squat so decided not to push it and skip these.
C. Halting clean pulls; 3x5 (pause at launch)
100, 110, 120
D. 100 back extensions
E. Heavy sled drag; 8x25m
100kg - Alternated between forwards and backwards
Thursday, 17 April 2014
18.04.2014 - 30:30 Airdyne
Wednesday is programmed as a rest day but i missed my AM session on Tuesday so had to catch up.
Airdyne 30:30 x24
5 min rest between 12-13
227 cals first 12, 217 cals second set.
Held 80+rpm for the 30s on and 50rpm for the 30s off for both sets.
Airdyne 30:30 x24
5 min rest between 12-13
227 cals first 12, 217 cals second set.
Held 80+rpm for the 30s on and 50rpm for the 30s off for both sets.
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
15.04.2014 - Weightlifting
A. Snatch balance; 5x5
40,50, 60, 70, 75
B. Power snatch; 5x3@80%
C. Snatch; 5x2@80%
80kg - 1 miss.
D. Snatch pulls; 3x3@100%
100kg - used straps for these to save my thumbs.
E. Push jerk; 3x3@85%
94kg - The 3rd rep of each set was tough!
40,50, 60, 70, 75
B. Power snatch; 5x3@80%
C. Snatch; 5x2@80%
80kg - 1 miss.
D. Snatch pulls; 3x3@100%
100kg - used straps for these to save my thumbs.
E. Push jerk; 3x3@85%
94kg - The 3rd rep of each set was tough!
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
14.04.2014 - AM Row + PM DE Upper
45 minute Z1 row
9127m, 2:11.4/500m avg
A. 3 bench press @70%, EMOM x9 (3 wide grip, 3 medium grip, 3 close grip)
70kg - CG was the toughest as my triceps are still sore from Thursday
B. 3 x max push ups; 2 minutes rest
37, 21, 14
C. 3 x max strict pull ups; 2 minutes rest
12, 8, 8
D. DB row; 12-10-8; 30s rest btw arms, 90s rest btw sets
27.5, 32, 32 - DB's only got up to 27.5, used a KB for the last 2 sets which made it a little more difficult.
E. 100 band pull aparts
Orange band, alternated overhand and under hand every 25 reps.
45 minute Z1 row
9127m, 2:11.4/500m avg
A. 3 bench press @70%, EMOM x9 (3 wide grip, 3 medium grip, 3 close grip)
70kg - CG was the toughest as my triceps are still sore from Thursday
B. 3 x max push ups; 2 minutes rest
37, 21, 14
C. 3 x max strict pull ups; 2 minutes rest
12, 8, 8
D. DB row; 12-10-8; 30s rest btw arms, 90s rest btw sets
27.5, 32, 32 - DB's only got up to 27.5, used a KB for the last 2 sets which made it a little more difficult.
E. 100 band pull aparts
Orange band, alternated overhand and under hand every 25 reps.
12.04.2014 - AM Filthy Fifty + PM Lifting
Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 box jumps - 24"
50 jumping pull ups
50 kb swing - 16kg
50 walking lunge
50 K2E
50 push press - 20kg
50 back extenstsions
50 wall balls
50 burpees
50 double unders
19:21 - 26s slower than my previous PB. Not concerned about this as i am 7kg heavier, the difference is probably due to having a longer transition between the push press, back ext and the wall balls. Also last time i went ub on the push press this time around i broke 40-10, not entirely sure why but i did!!
A. Snatch; 3x2@80%
B. C&J; 3x2@80%
C. 1 snatch @70% every 30s x10 minutes
70kg - Felt great, no misses.
D. Clean pulls; 5x2@120%
150kg - These were tough!
Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 box jumps - 24"
50 jumping pull ups
50 kb swing - 16kg
50 walking lunge
50 K2E
50 push press - 20kg
50 back extenstsions
50 wall balls
50 burpees
50 double unders
19:21 - 26s slower than my previous PB. Not concerned about this as i am 7kg heavier, the difference is probably due to having a longer transition between the push press, back ext and the wall balls. Also last time i went ub on the push press this time around i broke 40-10, not entirely sure why but i did!!
A. Snatch; 3x2@80%
B. C&J; 3x2@80%
C. 1 snatch @70% every 30s x10 minutes
70kg - Felt great, no misses.
D. Clean pulls; 5x2@120%
150kg - These were tough!
Monday, 14 April 2014
11.04.2014 - DE Lower
A. Box jump; 6x3
B. Back squat; 2@65% every 30s x12
104kg - based off 160kg since i haven't squatted 170kg in some time.
C. 2 T&G power clean @70% every 30s x8
D. Step ups; 3x8-12
E. Snatch grip deadlift; 3x8-12 (with straps)
80(12), 90(12), 100(12)
F. 100 KB swings @24kg
3:48 - Wasn't sure if this was for time so i timed it anyway, 80 quick chalk then 20.
E. 1000m row
B. Back squat; 2@65% every 30s x12
104kg - based off 160kg since i haven't squatted 170kg in some time.
C. 2 T&G power clean @70% every 30s x8
D. Step ups; 3x8-12
E. Snatch grip deadlift; 3x8-12 (with straps)
80(12), 90(12), 100(12)
F. 100 KB swings @24kg
3:48 - Wasn't sure if this was for time so i timed it anyway, 80 quick chalk then 20.
E. 1000m row
10.04.2014 - Rowing & ME Upper
35 min Z1 row
A. Floor press; 10-7-4-1-1-1
90, 70, 80, 90, 100x, 95 - 10kg down on my previous PB
B. Max strict HSPU x3
6, 4, 7 - used 1 ab mat for last the set.
C. KB skull crushers; 3x8-12
20(12)x2, 24(12)
D. DB row; 3x8-12
E. 100 banded triceps
F. Face pulls; 3x20
A. Floor press; 10-7-4-1-1-1
90, 70, 80, 90, 100x, 95 - 10kg down on my previous PB
B. Max strict HSPU x3
6, 4, 7 - used 1 ab mat for last the set.
C. KB skull crushers; 3x8-12
20(12)x2, 24(12)
D. DB row; 3x8-12
E. 100 banded triceps
F. Face pulls; 3x20
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
08.04.2014 - Rowing + Oly Tech Work
250m row
1 minute rest
500m row
2 minute rest
750m row
3 minute rest
0:47.4, 1:39.7, 2:35.5
0:48.5, 1:41.7, 2:41.9
Legs were really sore from the ME lower yesterday, fatigue in the glutes and quads was the limiter.
A. Snatch balance; 5x3@50-60%
50x3, 60x2
B. Snatch from blocks; 3@75%, 3x2@80%, 2@75%
70x3, 75x2x2, 80x2, 70x2 - Decided to drop the weight a little as my legs were so sore.
C. Hang clean; 3@75%, 3x2@80%, 2@75%
97.5x3, 104x2x3, 94x2 - Legs started to feel a lot better at this point.
D. Push jerk; 5x2
80x3, 90x2 - Focused on a fast punch under.
1 minute rest
500m row
2 minute rest
750m row
3 minute rest
0:47.4, 1:39.7, 2:35.5
0:48.5, 1:41.7, 2:41.9
Legs were really sore from the ME lower yesterday, fatigue in the glutes and quads was the limiter.
A. Snatch balance; 5x3@50-60%
50x3, 60x2
B. Snatch from blocks; 3@75%, 3x2@80%, 2@75%
70x3, 75x2x2, 80x2, 70x2 - Decided to drop the weight a little as my legs were so sore.
C. Hang clean; 3@75%, 3x2@80%, 2@75%
97.5x3, 104x2x3, 94x2 - Legs started to feel a lot better at this point.
D. Push jerk; 5x2
80x3, 90x2 - Focused on a fast punch under.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
07.04.2014 - Max Effort Lower
First day of the off season program.
30 minute Z1 row
A. OHS, max effort
10 - 80kg PB
5 - 90kg
3 - 100kg PB
1 - 110kg
You could definitely tell which of my shoulders has the labrum tear, stabilising it became really hard so called it at 110kg.
B. Bulgarian split squats; 3 sets x 8-12 reps
40, 45, 50
C. RDL; 3 sets x 8-12 reps
60, 70, 80
D. 100m walking lunge
3:22 @20kg weight vest
E. 8x25m heavy sled drag
100kg, alternated between forwards and backwards drag.
30 minute Z1 row
A. OHS, max effort
10 - 80kg PB
5 - 90kg
3 - 100kg PB
1 - 110kg
You could definitely tell which of my shoulders has the labrum tear, stabilising it became really hard so called it at 110kg.
B. Bulgarian split squats; 3 sets x 8-12 reps
40, 45, 50
C. RDL; 3 sets x 8-12 reps
60, 70, 80
D. 100m walking lunge
3:22 @20kg weight vest
E. 8x25m heavy sled drag
100kg, alternated between forwards and backwards drag.
Monday, 7 April 2014
Post Open Easy Week
Andy gave me a free week to unwind after the 5 week open. I took an extra rest day and then joined in with the CrossFit Teesside workouts.
EMOM x10
even - 20m prowler hi handle, 20m low handle
odd - 10 axel stoh @60
Tuesday - rest
15 deadlift @100kg
50 double unders
6 + 47
Thursday - rest
partner wod
1 person runs 400m while the other amraps
10 fs @42.5/60
10 t2b
16 +13 with Kez
For time (15 min cap)
300m row
5 mu
300m row
4 mu
300m row
3 mu
300m row
2 mu
300m row
1 mu
rest 2 min
5 min to est max snatch
60, 70, 80, 90, 95xx
rest 1 min
5 min to est mac C&J
90, 100, 110, 120
1 snatch increase 5kg every min
95, 100xx
8:33 PB
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