Thursday, 31 May 2012

Rowing Intervals

Rowing Intervals 30/30r x 20

Total distance rowed - 2964m
Average /500m - 1:42.2
Average s/m - 36

Butterfly pull ups

Working on some of the things mentioned in the video below, after videoing some of my pull ups i've noticed that i am going to far through the bar.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Sprints, OLY, Angie


10 x 100m Sprints – 30 seconds rest


Feels good to get some training in before work. I think it was a little over 100m but that’s not important, getting the work done is!

BB Gymnastics

EMOTM 5 minutes 3 squat snatch - @ 80% 1rm
61kg - no misses all touch and go.

EMOTM 5 minutes 1 squat snatch - @ 90% 1rm
68kg - no misses

EMOTM 5 minutes 3 power cleans - @ 80% 1rm
80kg - no misses, all touch and go

EMOTM 5 minutes 1 power clean  - @ 90% 1rm
90kg - no misses

For time:
100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Air squats

17:26 Rxd (17:10 PB)

Disappointed with this being 16 seconds slower. It was defiantly the pull ups which were slower, i started with butterfly pull ups but lost the rhythm tried to kip and couldn't get it properly. I haven't really done any pull ups for a while and sort of become complacent with them. I'm going to make sure i do some sort of pull up every day, strict, kipping, butterfly even if its only a couple of sets of a few reps.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Squats, Thrusters, Burpees

Back Squat 5x5-2 minutes rest
110, 110, 110, 110, 110

Press 5x52 minute rest
50, 50, 50, 50, 50

Pleased with both strength lifts, this is the start of my new strength cycle. All lifts are starting at 80% of my 1rm, lower body will increase 2.5kg every week and upper body lifts will increase 2.5kg every 2 weeks.

Rest 1 hour then i joined in with class

Thruster 3-3-3-3-3
60, 70, 75, 80 PB, 85x(2 reps)

For time:
Front Squats - 42.5kg

3:40 Rxd

Still feeling the effects from the pistols, so this was a real quad burner!

Monday, 28 May 2012

Rest Day

Active Recovery
2K run - 9:44
2K row - 8:30

I was due to back squat 5x5 @ 110kg today but the 150 pistols yesterday have left their mark. I didn't feel like i would get out of the squats what i was wanting so decided to rest and mobilise.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Snatches, Pistols & Hill Sprints

BB Gymnastics

2 power snatch every 30s for 5 minutes

50kg all touch and go, felt really easy will up to 60kg next time

For time:
Row 500m
50 Pistols
Row 400m
40 Pistols
Row 300m
30 Pistols
Row 200m
20 Pistols
Row 100m
10 Pistols



Hill sprint shuttles and trail runnings.

Captain Cooks Monument

Friday, 25 May 2012

Front Squats, Muscle Ups & Team WOD

Front Squats 5x5
100, 100, 100, 100, 100

I went with 80% of my 1rm but only realised this was my 5rm after the second set. Will keep the weight the same next week, but then bump it up 2.5kg each week from there.

30 Muscle ups for time


Started with 8, then 3's every 20-30 seconds and finished with a couple of 2's and 1's.

Team WOD
In a 20 minute window

1 person completes 50 double unders

Whilst the other person AMRAP's

5 Box Jumps - 24"
5 Thrusters - 42.5kg
5 Lateral Burpees

18 Rnds + 7 Reps

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Snatches + OHS Triplet

BB Gymnastics
Snatch Tekkers

Worked on my snatch for about 30 minutes, concentrating on landing position. Lately i have been jumping forward a lot and catching with my feet wide. I drilled this today by using the drill Coach B is using below.

Worked up to 60kg hit a couple of really clean lifts and stopped on a high.

For time:
Power snatch - 42.5kg
Over Head Squat - 42.5kg
*Complete 10 Double Unders in between each number*

12:02 Rxd

Power snatches in singles, all OHS unbroken apart from the 1st round lost the bar behind on my 8th rep.
I need to work more OHS's into my programing as i struggled with these more than i expected to.

3 Rounds aalternating ME Ring push ups & L-Sits

Ring push ups - 25, 20, 16
L-sits - 21, 20, 20

The L-sits were good, I'm going to include more stabilisation stuff in my mid-line work such as L-sits and planks. I think theses along with GHD's, T2B, K2E and sit ups will build a strong core which will benefit my during my lifting.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Power Cleans, HSPU's

EMOTM - 12 minutes
Even minutes - 5 Power cleans @ 80% 1rm
Odd minutes - 15 Air squats

80kg all power cleans touch and go.

1 strict HSPU every 30s for 12 minutes

Done, will up the reps to 2 or 3 next time.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Rest Day

Woke up this morning feeling worn out and aching so decided to take a rest day.

20/05/12 - Trail Running + Hill Sprints

Me and seven other guys from the gym got out of the gym and on to the hills for a bit of conditioning.

We met at Pincinthorpe car park and set off through Guisbrough Woods to base of Roseberry Topping. We done a couple of hill sprints in pairs up the smaller of the two hills before tackling Roseberry. My times for the smaller hill averaged out at 27 seconds, with Roseberry Topping taking me 3:50. After a little rest at the summit we descended back down the way we came and up the smaller of the two again. Another long run mainly along the fire tracks and a couple of down hill trails. We stopped off at a couple of obstacles on the way, messing about on some pull up bars and some parallel dip bars. Overall we covered around 8-9K.

Whats strange is i really enjoyed this and i HATE running. More of this to be done, and defiantly some trail shoes to be bought, i was skidding all over in my normal running shoes. 

Top of Roseberry Topping

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Snatch, HSPU + 2011 Open WOD 2

BB Gymnastics
50, 50, 60, 60, 65, 70, 70, 75xxx, 70, 70

Skill Work
Strict HSPUs - 3xME
4, 4, 4

2011 Open WOD 2
15 minute AMRAP
9 Deadlift - 70kg
12 H/R Push ups
15 Box jumps - 24"

11 rounds + 23 reps

Friday, 18 May 2012

Deadlifts, Ring dips + Pull ups, Team WOD

A] EMOTM for 10 minutes - 5 Deadlifts @ 120kg
Done, all sets unbroken and between 10-15 seconds per set. Up the weight next time. 

B] 3 Strict ring dips + 3 Strict pull ups alternating every 30 seconds earing a 10kg vest

Would work better with 5+ reps i think, all unbroken but relativly easy.

C] Team WOD
 In Pairs: (With Dave Butterfield)
4 Minute AMRAP Of:
5 Goblet Squats @ 24kg
5 Kettlebell Swing @ 24kg

Rest 1 Minute
4 Minute AMRAP Of:
Row 100m
10 Hand Release Push Ups

Rest 1 Minute
4 Minute AMRAP Of:
5 Ball Slam @ 9kg
5 Sit Ups

Rest 1 Minute
4 Minute AMRAP Of:
Sprint 50m
5 Jumping Air Squats

54 Rounds Rxd

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Rowing, Battling Ropes & Double unders

A] Row 20 minutes - 20 s/m or less
500m avg - 1:58.1
strokes/min avg - 17

This is the longest I've ever spent on the rower,  my glutes were on fire at the half way point!

B] 5 Rounds of
  • 20 Secs AMRAP Battling Ropes
  • 20 Secs AMRAP GHDs 
  • 20 Secs rest
Averaging between 20-25 on the ropes and between 5-8 on the GHD's every 20 seconds.

C] 200 double unders for time - every break perform 5 burpees


Broke at 104, then 105, 107, 109, 139

Trying to rush to much after the break at 104 cost me! Used a heavier rope for this than normal, constantly varied and all that.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

OLY + Maurice

BB Gymnastics
Front Squat
-Heavy single
60, 80, 100, 110, 115

Clean-Heavy single
60, 80, 90, 100, 105, 110xxx

Clean pulls
115 3x3


This is a HERO Workout in the honour of Lee Howes Grandad Maurice Yates who sadly passed away on the morning of Friday 4th May 2012.

Maurice is survived by his loving wife June, 4 Daughters, Maggie, Lynne, Susan, Karen and Son Paul.

5 Rounds for the time of:
20 Burpee-Box Jumps (2012 CrossFit games Standard over the box)
15 Front Squat - 60kg
10 Sumo Deadlift Highpull - 60kg

27:13 Rxd

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Back squats, Press & Lucy

Back Squat


Press was rough, defiantly been neglecting them.

5 round for time:
5 Pull ups
10 Burpees
400m Run

10:58 Rxd PB

3 second PB since October, may not seem a lot but last time i done this i was still playing rugby and in preseason. We were doing interval sprints twice a week over varying distances, this has shown me how important these are.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Split Jerks + Couplet

Split Jerk - build to a fast single - not a 1RM

80, 90, 100

5 rds for time:
3 x [1 Power Clean + 4 Push Press] - 60kg
20 COVP Chin Ups
First time doing chin over vertical plane pull ups, need to put some work in on my pull ups. 

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Front Squats, Squat Cleans + Rowing

In 10 min build to a max Front Squat
100, 110, 115, 120, 125x
rest 2 min
In 10 min perform AMRAP Squat Cleans - 90% Clean 1RM
12 reps @ 100kg - 3 failed reps
rest 2 min
In 10 min as many meters as possible rowing
(stroke rate must be under 20 strokes/min)

Friday, 11 May 2012


I've not really been training or blogging this week, i've been feeling ill/run down and really busy with revision for my exams. Today was the first day i've woke up and been egar to train this week, clearly my body needed the rest.

Dead Lift - work up to a tough double in a few sets - NOT a 2RM
100, 120, 130, 140, 150, 155

For time:
Row 250m
15 KB Swings
25 Burpees
15 KB Swings
Row 250m


The rxd weight is 32kg, but i used 24kg and only realised/remembered once i had finished. Good quick wod, will definatley try it again pretty soon with 32kg.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


BB Gymnastics
1) 5X3 Clean & Jerk @ 75% – rest 60-80 sec.
Notes: These are not touch and go reps. Reset before each rep.

80kg - no misses

1) 1X20 Back Squat
Notes: This should be a maximal UNBROKEN set. If you completed all 20 reps last week, add approximately 5% this week. If you were close to completing all 20 reps (15-19), use the same weight. If you weren’t close (10-14), take off 5%.


3 rounds for time of:
Row 500m
20 Wall Balls - 9kg
20 KB Swings - 24kg

11:55 Rxd

First row split 1:45-1:50, wall balls and KB swings unbroken. Second row split 1:50-55, wall balls and KB swings unbroken. Third row split 1:55-2:00, wall balls 12-8, KB swings 10-10.

Dissapointed to have let that little voice in your head get the better of me and break the last round.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

OLY Work + Deadlift, Burpee Couplet


OLY Work
Hang Power Snatch
67.5 PB

Snatch Balance
82.5 PB

5 RFT:
15 Deadlifts - 90kg
15 Bar facing burpees

9:43 Rxd

First round of deadlifts unbroken, last four sets broke 6-5-4. Burpees felt slow today, been struggeling with a cold all week so hopefully i can shake it off by the weekend.

01/05/12 - Back squats + Chipper


Back Squat-Heavy triple
125 PB
127.5 PB


For time:
25 UB double unders
Run 800m
50 box jumps - 24"
Run 400m
50 HR push ups
Run 800m
50 Kettlebell swings - 24kg

14:39 Rxd

Double unders unbroken first time, box jumps unbroken other that a slip at around 30 reps. Hand release push ups sucked balls, just seemed slow on them today! Kettlebell swings unbroken.