Monday, 30 June 2014

27.06.2014 - Strict HSPU Hell + AD Intervals

A. TYW; 3x10

B. Kipping HSPU; 9x2, every 45s

C. Strict press; 1rm
30x5, 40x5, 50, 60, 65, 70, 72.5, 75xx - This needs a lot of work!

D. 50 strict HSPU for time
13:30 - Started with 5-3-2 for the first 10, then 2's till 25 reps, singles to the end!!

E1. T3 raise; 3x12
5kg - Very tough

E2. Ext rotation; 3x12
5kg - Strangely i found these hard on the right side, i was expecting it to be the opposite as i have a suspected labrum tear in the left shoulder.

E3. Powell raise; 3x12
5kg - Could have gone heavier.

AD 60:60 x5
4 minute rest

26.06.2014 - AM Rowing + PM Weightlifting


1000m row @70% Aer
90s rest


A. Heaving snatch balance; 4x3
60, 70, 80, 90x(1), 85

B. Hang snatch; 5x2@75-80%

C. C&J; 5x3@70-80%

D. Clean pulls; 4x4

400m run
21 kb swings - 24kg
12 pull ups

8:28 PB - I was feeling really tired after the lifting so i was just aiming for around 9 minutes. Unbroken swings and pull ups but fairly slow runs. If i push the runs to around 1:20 i can go sub 8 next time.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

24.06.2014 - AM Shuttles + PM ME Lower


Every 3 minutes
10m out & back + 20m out.

13-14s - Made a mistake by going 20m out & back as well.


A. Box jump; build to max
53", couple of close misses at 55"

B. Deadlift; 1rm
100, 120, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210 PB

C1. Front squat; 3x5
110kg - Tough today, did these in my nanos.

C2. Wtd chin up; 3x5

10 minute AMRAP
12 back rack lunges - 60kg
60m (30-30) backwards sled drag - 80kg
L-sit hold max

3+12, 20s, 16s, 13s - L-sit holds are a lot tougher when your breathing heavy!

23.06.2014 - Pump Session!

A. TYW's; 3x10

B. Push press; 9x2@70% EMOM
74kg - All T&G

C1. Bent over row; 3x8-12; 30s rest
60(12), 70(12), 80(12) - Should have started at 70kg or 80kg

C2. Wtd ring dip; 3x12-14; 60s rest
5(12)x3 - These were really tough!

12 CGBP - 60kg
8-12 ring row
32 unbroken double unders

E. Handstand walk ladder; Increase 1m every minute x10
Fell once on the 7m round, all other rounds unbroken.

21.06.2014 - CP Battery Test

A. Power snatch + snatch; EMOM x6
45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 - Focused on technique today.

B. Power clean; 1rm
40, 60, 80, 90, 100, 110, 115, 120, 125xx

C. 8 minute AMRAP @90% of B.
27 reps @108kg - 2 reps better with 5kg extra since i last did this test in January.

D. 10 minute Z1 row
2270m, 2:12/500m average

20.06.2014 - AM Rowing + PM DE Lower


1000m row @70%
90s rest



A. 30" hurdle hips; 9x3

B. Back squat @31X1; 12x2@65%, EMOM
110kg - Comfortable

C. Hang power clean; 8x2@70%; EMOM
87.5kg - This is a really comfortable weight for me now.

20 minute AMRAP (Aerobic pace)
10 russian KB swings - 40kg
20m forwards sled drag - 80kg
10 wall balls - 9kg
20m backwards sled drag

8 rounds - Backwards sled drags smoked the quads!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

19.06.2014 - 500m Row Repeat Test

500m row
90s rest
500m row

A. TYW ss Kneeling med ball toss

B. Floor press; build to max
60(5), 70(3), 80, 90, 95, 100, 105, 106 PB

C1. Bench press; 5x5
70, 70, 80, 80, 85

C2. Strict pull up; 5x max
12, 10, 9, 9, 8

10 strict HSPU
2 rope climb (1 legless + 1 with legs)
0:15 L-sit hang

Complete - All four round of handstand push ups broke in to 5-3-2. Legless rope climbs could do with some work

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

17.06.2014 - AM AD + PM Snatch & C&J


AD 30:30 x12
On - 80-85 rpm 
Off - 50 rpm


A. Power snatch; 1rm
40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 87.5 PB

B. Power snatch; 20@77% of A for time.
2:30 @67.5kg - Really struggled here, started with 5 then singles for the remainder. Was through 10 at 1 minute. Don't think i was pulling enough and finishing the turn over.

C. Snatch pulls; 4x4 heavy (touch & go)
100, 105, 110, 115 - Used straps

400m run
10 PC+PJ - 60/70/80kg (change weight after 10th rep)

9:34 - Felt sluggish on the runs but strong on the C&J's. Unbroken through 60kg, 5-1-2-1-1 for 70kg and 3-2-1-1-1-2 for 80kg

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

16.06.2014 - Testing

A. Weighted seated box jump; max height
43" @10kg vest

B. Front squat; 1rm
60, 80, 100, 120, 130, 140, 145x - Felt like i had more in me than 140kg, guess the volume of alcohol consumed on Saturday will have something to do with this!

C. Weighted pull up; 1rm
10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45

D. Front squat; AMRAP @85%
6 reps @119kg

E. Weighted pull up; AMRAP @85%
5 reps @25kg

20 single arm OH lunges
12 strict L-sit pull ups

11:43 - The OH lunges highlighted a huge mobility difference between the left and right shoulders! 

Monday, 16 June 2014

14.06.2014 - AM Lifting + PM Metcon

A. Backwards medball toss; 10x1@15kg

B. C&J; 80%x2x2, 85%x1x3, 80%x2
104, 110, 104 

C. Bench press; 5-5-5+@75%
11 @80kg

D. EMOM x16
Even - 2-3 weighted pull ups
Odd - 10 strict ring dips (slight pause at the top)

Dropped the strict ring dips down to 7 after 4 rounds.

5 sets at the same pace
30 cal row
10 power clean - 60kg
100 double unders
15 T2B
- 3 minute walk/rest

Feeling really fatigued so only did 3 sets

4:30, 4:25, 4:20 - UB cleans and T2B, double unders 50-50  

13.06.2014 - Back Squats, Tire Flips + Rowing

A. Hang snatch + snatch + power snatch; 80%x1, 85%x1x3, 80%x1x2
Another off day snatching, dropped down to 60kg and worked on technique

B. Back squat; 5x5@85%
Had a bit of a head fart and used 70% instead of 85%!!

C. Snatch high pull; 3x5@100%

8 heavy tire flips
50m OH walking lunge - 20kg


30:30 row

155m, 153m, 153m, 153m, 157m, 161m

Not a lot left by the time i got to these.

12.06.2014 - ME Upper + Christine

A. Floor press; 3@75%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 3-4x1@90%+
105 - Current PB, felt very easy!
110x - Should have went 107.5 first maybe.

B. BTN push press; 5x2

C. Ring dips; 3x max
20 PB, 15, 11

D. Ring rows; 3x max
20, 14, 11

E. Christine
500m row
12 deadlift - 80kg
21 box jumps - 24"

8:57 - 1:45-1:50 rows, unbroken deadlifts and box jumps so faster rows are the only place to get a faster time on this.

F. KB skull crushers; 3x12@20kg

G. Banded face pulls; 3x20

11.06.2014 - Active Recovery

Today was programmed as 30 min Z1 airdyne but i got suckered in by a workout a few people at the gym had done.

For time:
100 cal row
100 down and ups
100 cal row

16:10 - Both rows around 5 minutes, down and ups were slow.

10.06.2014 - Snatch, C&J + Lunges

A. Snatch; build to max, 3 lifts @90%+
90, 95xx - Just was a snatch kinda day today!

B. C&J; build to max, 3 lifts @90+
60, 80, 100, 110, 120, 130 PB

C. 100 alternating barbell lunges @40kg
3:49 unbroken

Thursday, 12 June 2014

09.06.2014 - AM Intervals + PM DE Upper & Nate


60s window
150m plate run - 20kg
AMRAP burpees

- 60s rest

60s window
150m plate run - 20kg

- 60s rest


Burpees - 9, 8, 8, 8
GTOH - 8, 8, 9, 9


A. Paused bench press; 9x3@70%, every 45s (1s pause)
72kg - Tough today.

B. Strict press; 3x8
50kg x3

2 muscle ups
8 KB swings - 32kg

17+2 PB - Full round and 2 rep PB, everything was unbroken just transition time to improve next time. 

08.06.201 - Airdyne Recovery

25 minute Z1 airdyne
270 odd cals 

07.06.2014 - AM Intervals + PM Lifting


400m run @85%
2 minutes rest

1:22 - 1:29, averaged around 1:25 over the 10 intervals. I am really pleased with how these went, i did something similar just before Christmas and struggled to hold 1:30 splits. Just need to get some miles back in the legs!


A. Hang power clean; 5x2@75%
94kg - Weight was feeling light!

B. Hang power clean + jerk; 5x2+1@70%
89kg - Push jerked all reps straight from the 2nd power clean.

C. Clean pulls; 5x3@100%
130kg - Focused on staying back and finishing!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

06.05.2014 - DE Lower

A. Depth jumps; 6x2@30"

B. Paused front squat @22X1; 12x2@60%, every 60s
85kg - These felt good, bottom position felt solid!

C. Power clean; 8x2@70%, every 30s
87.5kg - All touch & go, focused on efficiency of movement. 

D. Bulgarian split squats; 3x8-12
20, 30, 40 - Building these back up, still some slight hip pain.

E. Good mornings; 3x5 (heavy)
60, 62.5, 65 - Videoed these and realised i was going way to far down!!!

F. Front rack barbell walks; 10 minutes
80kg - Walked around 30m every minute, should have went heavier or walked further. 

Monday, 9 June 2014

05.06.201 - ME Upper

A. Bench press with band suspended KB; 2@80%, 2@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%
44(10), 64(7), 74(5), 80(2), 85(2), 90(1), 95(1)

B. Strict press; 5@80%, 5@85%, 5@80%
60(5), 64x(2), 60(5) - Failed the set of 5 at 85% so i did a cluster of singles at that weight then a set of 5 at 50kg

C. Push ups; 3x max
35, 25, 22 - Felt much stronger on these today, got to 30 without a pause at the top.

D. Strict pull ups; 3x12
12, 10-2, 9-3

E. Narrow grip floor press; 3x20
40, 40, 45 - This was tough! Last few reps at 45kg were grinders!

F. Accumulate 5 minutes of heavy farmers walk
Complete @32kg/hand 

G. Plate pinch hold; 3x max
26s, 23s, 29s 

Thursday, 5 June 2014

03.06.2014 - Skills + Weighlifting + Metcon

16 KB snatch - 24kg
10 strict T2B
60s hand stand hold

A. Push jerk; 5x2@80%
88kg - Felt strong, this didn't feel like almost 90kg today.

B. Power snatch + snatch; 3+3@60%, 2+2@70%, 5x1+1@80%
60, 70, 80 - Based the percentage off my full snatch (100kg)

C. Snatch pulls; 3x3@120%

For time:
1000m row
30 power clean - 60kg
40 lateral burpees


Stayed conservative on the row, held around 1:47/500m. Power cleans were a couple of 3's, mainly 2's and a single here and there. I expected the cleans to be easier than they were! Just kept moving on the burpees.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

31.05-2014 - 01.06.2014 - Zurich Weightlifting Cert

I was away in Zurich, Switzerland this weekend as part of the coaching team for the CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting Certification. As a result of this my training was a little bit off track, i did what i could during the 1 hour lunch breaks.

Saturday 31st

A. KB suspended back squat; 2x16kg KB(32kg); 10-7-5-2x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%, 1x95%
52(10), 92(7), 120(5), 136(2), 144(2), 153(1), 162(1)

B. Front squat; 5@80%, 2x5@85%
112, 119, 119

Sunday 1st

A. Jumping back squat; 5x5@40%

B. Split jerk; 5x3@75%
97.5kg  - The best these have felt for a long time, the hardest part was bringing the bar back down to the front rack.

C. Power snatch; 5x2@80%

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

29.05.2014 - DE Upper

3 rounds for time (aim is sub 10 inc. 2x rest)
20 cal row
10 thrusters - 42kg
20 box jumps - 24"
2 minutes rest

1:44, 1:42, 1:48 (9:14) - There was a big build up of lactic acid in my quads from this!

A. Plyo push up; 6x3
2x 20kg plates, this was just a primer for the dynamic effort bench

B. Bench press; 9x3@70%, every 60s
72.5kg - 3 sets at each grip, close, medium and wide.

10 HSPU pikes
10 strict chin ups
15s L-sit hang
60s rest

The strict chin ups were meant to be band resisted but my biceps and lats were shot from the tabata pull ups a couple of days before. 

D. Skull crushers; 3x8-12
20(12), 22.5(12), 22.5(12)

E. KB front rack carry; 3x max distance @32kg e/a
150ft, 138ft, 102ft - These were really tough on the core!