Friday, 31 October 2014

30.10.2014 - AM Z1 + PM ME Lower


30 minute Z1 row


A. Dip jumps; 3x5@30kg

B. Sumo deadlift; heavy single
- 60(5), 80(5), 100(3), 120(3), 140(2), 150, 160, 170, 175, 180, 190. Felt weak here, i pulled 180 for a triple while on holiday a few months ago but 180 was a struggle for a single today. 

C1. Back squat; 3x5@75%

C2. Wtd. pull up; 3-3-3
- 12, 16, 20

D. Bulgarian split squat; 8/leg; 2 minute rest
- 40, 45, 50. Stayed light as i haven't done these for a long time. Pretty good quad pump going on.

E. Barbell glute bridges; 3x15; 90 seconds rest
- 50, 70 with shoulders on a bench, didn't like this set up so dropped to shoulders on the floor for the last set at 90kg. Much better, could actually feel my glutes working.

15 GHD sit ups
50 double unders
- 6:54 unbroken, GHD sit ups got tough!

28.10.2014 - DE Upper


A. CGBP; 9x3@70%; EMOM
- 73kg

B. Seated DB press; 8rm
- 10kg easy peasy, 15kg easy peasy, 20kg definite 8rm!! Left are was really struggling to lock out.  

10 minute AMRAP
3 muscle ups
5 burpee box jump - 30"
200m run
- 5+8. 


A1. Ring push ups; AMRAP x5 sets; 1 minute rest
- 31, 21, 16, 16, 13

A2. Strict pull ups; AMRAP x5 sets; 1 minute rest
- 12, 10, 9, 8, 8, 

5 sets @90%
20 cal row
15 kb swings - 32kg
- 90s rest

- 5 minute rest

5 sets @90%
20 cal row
15 kb swings - 32kg
- 90s rest

27.10.2014 - AM Z1 + PM Lifting


7000m row @Z1 pace
- 30 hollow rocks every 1000m


A. Snatch + OHS; heavy complex in 10 minutes
- 90, 95xxx. Snatch just felt off today, got under 95kg three times but just kept losing it forward. Frustrating! 

B. C&J; 90%x1x2
- 118kg. Jerk felt tougher than it should.

C. Anderson front squat; build to max
- 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 105, 110, 115, 117.5, 120, 122.5x. Wow these are tough! 

D. Front squat; 3x3@80-85%
- 115kg

E. Clean pulls; 5x2@110%
- 148kg, heavy shit!!

Monday, 27 October 2014

25.10.2014 - AM DE Lower + PM Throwdown


A. Depth jumps; 9x3; 24" to 24"

B. Pause back squat; 12x2@70%; EMOM

C. Snatch pull; heavy triple
- 60, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120. I wanted to make sure that these still resembled a snatch pull and didn't just turn into deadlifts.

D1. Ring row; 8-12 x3; 30s rest
- Comfortable sets of 12

D2. Back rack reverse lunge; 8/leg x3; 2 minute rest
- 60, 70, 80. First time doing these, could really feel tightness in my hip flexors at first but that worse off after the first set. Will go heavier next time i see these.


Another Saturday afternoon throwdown with Ben, this time Ports and Kez joined us.

For time:
40 pistols
30 C2B pull ups
15 power snatch @50/70kg
30 pistols
20 C2B pull ups
10 power snatch
20 pistols
10 C2B pull ups
5 power snatch
- 14:37. Moved through the pistols without a problem. Pull ups felt awesome today broke the set of 30 into 20-10, then went unbroken for the sets of 20 and 10. The power snatch on the other hand felt dreadful! Watching some footage of the workout i noticed that i'm not catching  the bar with my torso upright, instead i'm sort of dive bombing my head and chest through. I need to work on this and make my power snatches much more efficient

24.10.2014 - AM Z1 + PM Max Effort Upper


30 minute AMRAP @Z1 pace (95-127bpm)
500m row
1000m wattbike


A. Crossover symmetry

B. Bench press; build to max
- 40, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105. Matched my PB but felt better than i remembered, don't think i had more in me and didn't want to finish on a missed lift so i left it here.

C. 3 sets
     8 strict press
     8 behind the neck pull ups

10 rounds @85-90%
250m row + even/odd
1 minute rest

Even = 10 ohs @60kg
Odd = 10 lateral burpees

- Averaged 1:47-1:47/500m for all 10 rows. Played with different methods for getting into position for the ohs each round.

Friday, 24 October 2014

23.10.2014 - Weightlifting

A. Crossover Symmetry

B. Snatch balance; build to max
- 40 - 100, 105 PB, 110 PB, 115 x. Close miss at 115kg, more confidence  and focus on pushing into the bar and i'll have it next time.

C. Power snatch + snatch; EMOM x5 @70%
- 70kg, focused continuing to pull all the way through.

D. Clean + 2 Jerks; EMOM x10 @70%
- 92kg, comfortable weight but the jerk felt off.

E. Glute ham raise; 4x8
-  2 sets at body weight, 2 sets with a thin red band assisting. I need to work on keeping the glutes engaged to avoid shooting the hip back.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

21.10.2014 - ME Lower


8 sets @80-85%
30s row
5 burpees
30s 10m shuttles
20 double unders
30s row
- 1 minute rest


A. Box squat box jump; build to max
- 50"

B. Pause front squat; build to max
- 100, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130 PB, 135 PB, 140x. Wasn't expecting much here as my legs have been feeling particularly weak recently, pleased to see the leg strength is coming back.

C. Double overhand deadlift; 3x6
- 130, 140, 150. Felt good here all sets with hook grip, starting to feel the benefits of all the posterior chain work.

D1. Back extension; 3x15; 30s rest
- Should have added weight here

D2. Bent over row; 3x8; 30s rest
- 65, 75, 80. Keep improving here, last couple of reps were tough at 80kg but they didn't turn into chest to bar rows!

1 legless rope climb
1 rope climb
25m forwards sled drag @100kg
25m backwards sled drag
15m hs walk

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

20.10.2014 - DE Upper


5x1000m row; 1 minute rest
- The aim was consistent pace over all 5 sets. Having done 6x1000m with 2 minute rest at 3:50 on Saturday i planned to hold a similar pace today. My glutes and hamstrings were still sore from Friday which was making my lower back aches a little during this, held 3:52 pace over all 5 sets. 


A. Crossover symmertry

B. Skin the cat; 3x3
- These are still making me feel really dizzy and sick, if i drop without pulling back over i don't get dizzy but as soon as i do i feel really ill! I'm not sure why this happens as it never used to!

C. CGBP; 7x2@75%; EMOM
- 75kg, focusing on speed off the chest and moving the bar as fast as possible.

D1. Strict wtd. ring dip; 5x5; 30s rest
- 10, 12, 16, 16, 20, starting to feel a lot stronger and more comfortable with these.

D2. Pause strict pull up; 5x5; 2 minute rest
- The 5 second pause at the top got tough during the last couple of sets.

E. 5 minute AMRAP Z-press @20kg
- 100 reps (10's every 30s x5, then 5's when ever) Tried a different tactic today, it still hurt! 

For time:
DB snatch @27.5kg
GHD sit ups
*50 double unders after each set
- 8:08

Monday, 20 October 2014

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Thursday 16.10.2014

A. Crossover symmetry
- I perform this as part of my warm up everyday now, hopefully start to see some carry over in my overhead strength and stability.

B. 5 ring flys + 10 ring push ups; 3 sets

C. Wtd. pull up; 3rm
- 6, 12, 16, 20, 24

D. CGBP; 8rm
- 40-80kg in 10kg increments. I hit 11 reps at 80kg last week so this is not a true 8rm but was definitely all i had today. Pressing is a huge weakness of mine but it's something i'm addressing during this phase of the program.

E. 3 sets
8-10 wtd. ring dips; 30 seconds rest
8 L/R single arm row; 1 minute rest
- 5kg(x10x2), 7.5kg(8) / 25kg(x8x3)

F. 5 sets
10 strict hspu
10 T2B
20 second L-sit hang
30s rest
- Struggled with the hspu, first set broke 3-2-2-1-1-1, decided to scale back and use an ab mat for the reaming sets and completed them all as 5-3-2. All T2B unbroken without any problems but these made the L-sit hang incredibly difficult!!

E. 200 banded tricep push downs
-  Trying to strengthen those triceps to carry over in to all the pressing movements.

Friday 17.10.2014

A. Seated broad jump; max distance
- Around 10ft

B. Front squat @2110; 12x2@75%; EMOM
- Complete at 105kg, the short pause in the hole made these a little more difficult than usual.

C. Snatch; 12x1@70%; EMOM
- Complete at 70kg, no misses.

D1. Glute ham raise; 4x6; 10s rest
D2. Pistols; 4x20; 10s rest
D3. DB snatch; 4x10; 10s rest
D4; 150m row @100% x4; 2 minute rest

E. 100 banded glute hip bridges
- Thin blue band, 50-25-25

Saturday 18.10.2014

6x1000m row @70%; 2 minute rest
- 3:50.3, 3:48.2, 3:49.6, 3:49.2, 3:49.5, 3:48.5

A. Z-press 5 minute AMRAP
- 105 reps (25, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5) this really lit up the shoulders and triceps!!

B. Power clean; build to max
- 115, 120x. No power in the hips today! Glutes and hamstrings are really sore from last nights session.

For time:
750m row
Power clean @100kg
Muscle ups
750m row
- 18:21. Stayed at around 80% on the first row and held 1:49/500m average. Singles all the way through on the power cleans, these felt so heavy!! I was hoping to go through the muscle ups unbroken but thought that was out of the question after the z-press amrap. Surprisingly the muscle ups felt awesome and i got through them all unbroken.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Accumulation Block

Going forward i will post my training a couple of days at a time, i will post Monday and Tuesday together and Thursday, Friday and Saturday together.

Monday 13.10.2014

Every 3 minutes x10 sets
45s AMRAP 20m shuttle (10m turn around
- 8-7 each round, was struggling to keep the turn around sharp as my calf are still mega sore from Saturdays running.

A. Vertical jump for squat position; max height
- 10ft wallball line, i had 4-5 attempts 10ft every time just couldn't get any higher 

B. Deficit clean deadlift @4"; build to max
- 60, 80, 100, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 175x; 4" is low! It put the barbell almost on top of my foot. I really focused on performing a clean deadlift and not just turning it into a regular deadlift. Form felt great up to 170kg, lost the clean positions at 175kg so called it there.

C. Back squat; 5x4@75-85%; Every 2 minutes
- Complete at 125kg, legs are feeling weak at the minute so i'm excited to see the numbers start to increase again! 

3 sets; 60-90 seconds rest
5-7 BTN pull ups
16 KB step ups @16"
- BTN pull ups bothered my shoulder so only hit 5's here. Grip rather than leg endurance was the limiter for the step ups, 24kg for two sets and 27.5kg dumbbells for the last.

3 sets; 2 minute rest
6-8 bent over rows @2011
10-12 good morning
- 60(8), 70(8), 80(7) stayed strict with the tempo. Goodmornings were for range of motion over weight, even at 30kg my hamstrings are sore today!!

 3 sets; no rest
12 hammer curls @12.5kg
20 butterfly sit ups
- Good old fashioned pump work! It was originally programmed as 20 GHD situps but i got a strange burning/stretching sensation in my lower abs during the back squats so aired on the side of caution and subbed sit ups. 

Tuesday 14.10.2014

A. Snatch drops; 3x3;
- 40kg, focus was on speed and footwork

B. Snatch; 3x5@70-75%; 3 minute rest
- Complete at 70kg, no misses.

C. PC + HPC + SJ @65-70%; EMOM x9
- Complete at 85kg.

3 sets; 60 seconds rest
12 KB floor press
20 banded KB swing
- Found the kb floor press akward, had to really focus on keeping the elbows tight and palms facing each other. Banded kb swings lit up the glutes, 24kg with a red band.

For time:
15 power clean - 60kg
500m row
10 deficit hspu - 6"
500m row
10 deficit hspu - 6"
500m row
15 power clean - 60kg
- 10:56; Kept all three rows to 1:49/500m average, could maybe have pushed a little harder here as this felt comfortable. Completed both sets of power clean in two sets of 10-5, the rest between the sets was limited. First set of hspu felt strong completeing them unbroken but struggled with the second set, breaking 5-3-2.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Long Over Due Catch Up

After a slightly disappointing performance at The Thorium Throwdown i took a couple of days total rest, the remainder of the week was pretty low volume to help with recovery before getting stuck into a 4 week accumulation phase. 

I woke up feeling particularly motivated to train on Saturday and just so happened i had been given free reign with my programming. 

Snatch; build to max for the day
30 muscle ups for time
5RFT @80-90%
5 C&J - 60kg
7 lateral burpees
200m run 

4x400m run; 90s rest
 For time
skierg cals
DB snatch - 27.5kg

Thursday, 25 September 2014

19.09.2014 - Snatch EMOM & Snatch Pulls

EMOM x10
20 double unders
1 snatch
*starting at 50kg increase 5kg every minute

- Decided to give this a go without my lifting shoes and everything felt really good.

Snatch pull; 4x4@100%

18.09.2014 - AM Chipper & PM Ladder


40 wallball @9kg
40 Pistols
40 STOH @42.5kg
40m Front rack lunge @42.5kg

11:31 - Managed to rope a couple of guys in to run through this with me which helped a lot at 6am, it would have been so easy to hold back and take it easy on my own that early. This highlighted that shoulder endurance is a weakness of mine that needs to be addressed.


7 minute AMRAP @100%
C&J @62kg

91 PB - Was feeling really tired going into this, probably a combination of the early start and been really busy at work. I definitely didn't attack this at 100%, the t2b felt very comfortable i kept these unbroken. Ground to overhead were t&g for the 3 and the 6 but reverted to singles for the remainder, with a little more energy i would of planned to hit more sets of t&g throughout.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

16.09.2014 - AM DL & BJ, PM Thrusters & Pull Ups


5 sets
5 T&G deadlifts - 140kg
10 box jumps - 24"
- 2:30 rest

27, 28, 28, 28, 30 


90s wattbike
30 thrusters - 30kg
20 pull ups

- 9 minute rest

20 pull ups
30 thrusters - 30kg
90s wattbike

- 9 minute rest

20 pull ups
90s wattbike
30 thrusters - 30kg

3:09, 3:07, 3:00 - Focused on the efficiency of movements at high speed, first two sets of thrusters were a little to slow. Pull ups felt really smooth, with all three sets unbroken in less than 30 seconds. 

15.09.2014 - AM Z1 & PM Lifting


40 minute Z1 row
- Every 5 minutes 60s headstand hold


A. C&J; Every 90s increase 5kg, starting at 90kg
131 PB, 135x - 135kg PB clean 

B. Back squat; 3-3-3-3; 2-3 minute rest
120, 130, 140, 150x(2) - Felt heavy today

C. Good morning; 4x12
40kg - Still unsure about these

Sunday, 14 September 2014

13.09.2014 - PC Burpee Tester

EMOM x10
1st - 3 thrusters @70kg
2nd - 12 T2B

Wanted to go heavier with the thrusters but my back was feeling really stiff so stayed lighter. All T2B unbroken and comfortable. 

EMOM x10
1st - 8 front rack lunges @80kg
2nd - 6 pHSPU

Front rack lunges comfortable. Struggled a little with the pHSPU, had to drop the reps to 4 for the last 2 sets. 

FT @100%
power clean @50kg

- 10 minute rest

FT @100%
power clean @50kg

2:53 PB - Unbroken 
3:33 - Unbroken but extremely slow burpees! 

Really happy with both efforts, the last couple of time i have done this test i haven't even completed the first effort unbroken. 

12.09.2014 - MAP 1 & Gymnastics

30:30 row @80% x8

- 5 minute rest

30:30 wattbike @80% x8
400 watts

- 5 minute rest

30:30 row @80% x8

A. Free standing handstand practice

B. Legless rope climb; 3x2; 2 minute rest

C. Strict ring dip with turn out; 4x8; 90 second rest

Thursday, 11 September 2014

10.09.2014 - Aerobic/Skill AMRAP

40 minute AMRAP
500m row
1 free standing HSPU
1000m wattbike
3 strict HSPU
500m skierg

5+400m row - strict hspu were easy but free standing need a lot of work.

09.09.2014 - Split Jerk, Front Squat & Back Pain


A. Split jerk; 1.1.1 x5; 10s/90s rest
80, 90, 100, 100, 100 - Wish i had some blocks!!!

B. Front squat; 3@75-80%; Every 2 minutes
112kg done

Started to warm up for heavy power cleans and thrusters but was getting a lot of pain in my lower back.

08.09.2014 - London Throwdown Chipper

A. Seated box jump; 12x2 EMOM
40", 44", 48"

B. Snatch; 3@60%, 2@70%, 1@75%, 1@80%, 1@85%, 1@90%, 1@90%+
60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90x, 90

C. C&J; 30s max x4 sets; 90s rest (not T&G)
6, 6, 7, 6

D1. 30s russian swings @40kg; 30s rest; x3
17, 17, 16

D2. 30s STOH @60kg; 30s rest; x3
15, 12, 10 (6-4)

90 wallball @9kg
70 KB snatch @24kg (5 per arm)
50 over the box jumps @24"
30 T2B
10 muscle up

14:07 PB - Wallballs 50-20-12-8, T2B 20-10, muscle ups 4-3-3

05.09.2014 - LacEnd

Every 2 minutes @80-90% x5 sets
10 unbroken deadlift @120kg
15 wallball @9kg

- 5 minute rest

4 minute AMRAP @90%
7 power snatch @42.5kg
20 double unders

- 10 minute rest

1000m row @90%

47-48s for all 5 sets
4+5 everything unbroken

04.09.2014 - Indurain

4000-3000-2000-1000m wattbike
800-600-400-200m run


03.09.2014 - Thorium #2

12 minute AMRAP
30 down and up
60 russian KB swing @24kg
30 thrusters @42.5kg
60 double unders

288 (11:04) - Forearms blew up!!

01.09.2014 - Strength + MAP

A. Depth jump; 5 reps; 24" drop to 24"+
24" to 40"

B. C&J; build to a single in 15 minutes (max 6 attempts @90%+)
70-125kg, 131x - Missed the jerk, but 131 is a PB clean.

C. Back squat; 20 reps @65-75%
120kg PB

D1. Front reack lunge; 8x3
60kg - Legs like jelly after the back squats!!

D2. Muscle ups; 5-7x3
3 sets of 7 with 5kg vest

Row @85%
60:60 x5

- 5 minute rest

60:60 x6

- 5 minute rest

60:60 x7

287, 289, 291, 292, 296
286, 287, 287 289, 294, 299
286, 289, 290, 289, 291, 294, 300

30.08.2014 - LacEnd Intervals

2:30 window x2 sets
10 T&G power clean @70kg
15 wall ball @9kg
max cal row
- 5 minute rest

Every 7 minutes x2 sets
8 deadlift @120kg
15 over the box jumps @24"
30 cal row

40 cals 
30 cals

20-30 minutes to recover/nap


29.08.2014 - Lifting

A. Broad jump; 6x3 EMOM

B. Front squat @20X1; 2-2-2; 3 minute rest
100, 115, 130

C. Snatch; build to max for the day
70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 101x, 101 PB

D. Snatch; 3x50%, 3x60%, 3x70%, 2x80%, 1x90%; Every 2 minutes
Complete no misses

E1. Underhand bent over row; 6-8 reps x5 sets; 60s rest
70(8), 75(8), 80(8), 82.5(8), 85(8)

E2. Push press; 3 reps x 5 sets; 2 minute rest
80, 85, 90, 95, 100 PB

Friday, 29 August 2014

28.08.2014 - Thorium Throwdown #3

10 minute window
42 burpee over box jumps - 24"
42 wall ball - 9kg
42 pull ups
AMRAP muscle ups

18 muscle ups (6:35) 

Paced the BBOJ to avoid gassing out, finished them at 2:47. Felt strong on the wall balls but broke 30-12 to save the shoulders for the muscle ups. Think i was a little to conservative on the pull ups as i wasn't sure how i would do going straight into muscle ups, broke them 15-12-9-6. Two sets of 15 and a 12 would have been better probably. 

27.08.2014 - Back Squats & C&J

A. Back squat; 3-2-1-3-2-1; 2-3 minute rest
140(3), 150(2), 160(1), 145(3), 155(2), 165x

B. C&J; 8 sets build to 80%; Every 2 minutes
70 - 105kg - Easy

25.08.2014 - AM Strength + PM LacEnd


A. Cluster; 1.1; EMOM x10
80 x4 sets, 85 x3 set, 90 x3 set - Then 100 x1 rep, 110 x1 rep PB

B. Front squat @33X1; 3-3-3-3-3
70, 80, 90, 100, 110 - Started light, lower back twinge

C1. Strict press; 8 x3; 30s rest
40, 50, 60 - Started too light

C2. KB step ups; 12 x3; 30s rest
2x24kg - Tough

C3. Banded goodmoring; 36 x3; 1 minute rest
Green band


25 second row @100%
3 minute rest
x4 sets

- 5 minute rest

12-9-6 FT @100%
SDHP - 50kg
Burpee to 6" reach

142m, 147m, 146m, 147m

23.08.2014 - AM Thorium #1 + PM Snatch


Thorium Throwdown #1
3 minute AMRAP
1 minute rest

93 reps @53kg (35-30-28)


A. Seated box jump; 9x2; EMOM

B. Snatch balance; 5x3; 1 minute rest
60 - Stayed light, wasn't feeling fast. Slight twinge in my lower back from the AM work.

C. Snatch; 2-2-2-2-2; 3 minute rest
60, 70, 80, 90x(1), 80

22.08.2014 - LacEnd + Strength

2 sets @100%
6 kb swings - 40kg
40m shuttle (20-20m)
3 minute rest

- 3 minute rest

12-9-6 FT @100%
Thrusters - 40kg
Pull ups

- 5 minute rest

12-9-6 FT @100%
OHS - 40kg
Burpee box jump - 24"

20s each 
2:59 - Jelly legs

A. PC + HC + 2 SJ; 6 sets; 3 minute rest
90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115 - Felt really good here!

B1. Clean pull; 2x6; 30s rest
130 x3 sets, 135 x3 sets

B2. Floor press; 5x6; 2:30 rest

Friday, 22 August 2014

21.08.2014 - PS, BS, Wtd. PU & MAP

A. Box jump; build to max height in 5 minutes

B. Power snatch; 10x3@65-70%; Every 90 seconds
5 sets @55kg, 5 sets @60kg - All sets touch and go, focused on efficiency. 

C. Back squat; 5-5-5-5-5
130, 135, 140, 145, 150 PB

D. Pull up; 5-5-5-5-5; Rest 90 seconds
BW, 5kg, 7.5kg, 10kg, 12.5kg

750m row @85%

- 3 minute rest -

For time @85%
300m row
15 burpees
12 kb swings @32kg

- 3 minute rest -

3 minute AMRAP
6 T2B
30 double unders


Tuesday, 19 August 2014

19.08.2014 - Running, HPC, MU & BBJ

2 RFT @80%
1000m run
6 hang clean - 100kg
8 muscle ups
10 burpee box jumps - 24"

15:08 PB - Steady runs, first a little quicker than the second. Unbroken cleans first round, 3-3 second round. Unbroken muscle ups both rounds. Step down BBJ first round, jump down second round. 1:07 PB since January.

18.08.2014 - Thorium Throwdown Tester

A. PS + SB + OHS; Every 2 minutes x10
60, 65, 70, 75, 77.5, 80, 82.5, 85, 87.5 - Failed the power snatch at 87.5 but completed the complex.

B. Front squat; 2 @75% EMOM x10
150kg - Felt ok.

C1. Ring row @3121; 8-12 x5; 30s rest
10, 8, 8, 9, 8 - These were mega hard!! 

C2. RDL @30X1; 5 x5; 1 minute rest
80 x2, 90x2, 100x1

3 minute AMRAP - steady
GTOH @50kg

- 1 minute rest -

3 minute AMRAP - T&G
GTOH @45kg

- 1 minute rest -

3 minute max cal row

33 reps - All singles, easy breathing.
32 reps - Touch & go reps, was aiming for 10's but struggled to hit this was hitting 5-7 reps each set. This gassed me way more than the singles at 50kg.
62 cals - I was just holding on for the 3 minutes by this point.

Monday, 18 August 2014

16.08.2014 - AM MAP + PM Liting


5 sets @80%
500m row
20 over the rower burpee
12 T2B
- rest 2 minutes -

Started out a little bit too fast, should have aimed to hit 3:40 every set. All T2B unbroken and comfortable.


A. Over box jumps; 9x2@30"

B. Power clean cluster; 1.1.1 x 5sets; 10 second/3 minutes rest
90, 95, 100, 105, 110 

C. Bench press; 5-5-5-ME; 2-3 minutes rest
80x5x3, 80x10

D. Weighted ring dip; 3x6-8

E. Hammer curl; 3x12
12.5(12), 15(12), 15(12)

14.08.2014 - Snatches, Push Jerks & MAP

A. 3 position snatch (hang, below knee, floor) x6 sets; 3-5 minute rest
60, 70, 75, 80x (floor), 80, 85x (floor)

B. 3 push jerk EMOM x10
90 x6 sets, 95 x2 sets, 100 x3 sets - All reps T&G 

C. Good morning @3311; 5-5-3-3
40(5), 50(5), 55(5), 60(5)

3 minute AMRAP @80%
5 muscle ups
35 double unders

- rest 4 minutes -

5 minute AMRAP @80%
10 OHS @50kg
10m forward bear crawl
10m backward bear crawl

- rest 4 minutes - 

5 minute AMRAP @80%
5 wall climb
20 KB swings @24kg

3 unbroken
4+10 unbroken

Thursday, 14 August 2014

13.08.2014 - AM Lactic Intervals + PM Strength


40s window
3 thrusters @60kg
amrap burpees
- rest 3:20
- rest 5 mins


A. Box jump; max height (20kg plt increases only)
Built to 48" quickly

B. Back squat @30X2; 4-4-4-4
120, 130, 140, 145 - Tough grind on the last rep but feel like my legs are responding well to the tempo squats

C. 2 cleans EMOM x12
80, 85, 90, 95, 100x8

Catch Up & European Inferno

Ok, so i've been a little lazy posting. I started a 8 week build toward Thorium Throwdown last Monday, this means more intensity within the conditioning.

This weekend saw myself and Chris Porter compete in Cardiff at the European Inferno for the second year. After 6 events over two days we finished the weekend in 51st place in a field of 170ish mens teams, this included a 17th place finish in the down and shuttle sprint event.

Event 5 - 500m row, 600m run x2

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

01.08.2014 - Z1 + Strict Cindy

8400m ish, held a 2:07 - 2:10/500m pace

31.07.2014 - ME Lower

A. Low seated box jump; max height

B. Back squat; max
120, 140, 150, 160, 165 - Down 5kg on best but heading back in the right direction. 

C. Power snatch + snatch; heaviest in 12 minutes
40, 50, 60, 70, 72.5, 75, 77.5, 80, 82.5, 85 - Hips felt faster!

D. Snatch deadlift; 3x2@120%
120 - Straps

10 KB front lunges - 32kg/arm
20 back extensions
40m farmers walk - 32kg/hand
20m sled drag - 100kg
4+21 - Unbroken 

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

29.07.2014 - DE Upper

A. Skin the cat; 5x3
3x3 - These are still making me feel really sick!

B. Jerks; 5x3 - progressive
90, 95, 100, 105, 110 - Bringing the bar back to the front rack is the toughest part for me

C. CGBP; 3@70%; EMOM x9

10m handstand walk
9 T2B
8 burpees
7 5" deficit HSPU

14:14 - 4/5 hs walk unbroken

28.07.2014 - AM Aer + PM Lifting


1000m row @70% Aer
90s rest


A. High hang snatch; 65%x3x3; Every 2 min
65kg - Felt slow after 10 days holiday

B. Power clean + clean + jerk; 50/60/70/75/80/85%
65, 78, 91, 97.5, 104, 110 - PC and jerk felt fine, legs felt weak coming out of the squat.

C. Snatch balance; heavy single in 8 minutes
40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

EMOM x12
1st min - 5 front squat @110kg
2nd min - 15 GHD sit ups
3rd min - 10 C2B pull ups

Failed the last FS of the last set

Friday, 4 July 2014

03.07.2014 - AM Row + PM ME Lower


25 minute Z1 row


A. Max height box jump; 20kg DB/hand
30" - didn't have the confidence to go higher

B. Pause back squat; build to max (3s pause, trainers)
60, 80, 100, 120, 130, 140, 150, 155xx - Legs are feeling weak!!

C. Clean pulls; 5x3
130, 132.5, 135, 137.5, 140

D1. Bulgarian split squat; 3x8; 60s rest
40, 45, 50 - Feeling better, excited to see these progress

D2. Weighted back extension; 3x20; 120s rest
20kg - Ruined my lower back!

E. 2 L-sit rope climbs; every 3 minutes x6
Scaled to 1 every 3 minutes, only had time to do 3 rounds. Found these really tough!

01.07.2014 - AM 5K Run + PM DE Upper


5000m run


A. Crossover Symmetry

B. Push press; 2@75%; EMOM x9
78kg - Feeling strong, comfortable weight today.

C. 20 bar muscle ups for time
1:28 - 10, 5, 5

D1. Parallel bar dips; max x5; 60s rest
16, 13, 13, 10, 9

D2. Strict pull ups; max x5; 120s rest
11, 9, 8, 6, 5

15 minute AMRAP @80%
15 tuck crunch
10m handstand walk
15 wall balls - 9kg

6+15 - Handstand walks were 5m out + back, unbroken bar 1 or 2, unbroken wall balls.

30.06.2014 - AM 30:30 Row + PM Lifting


30:30 row x8
3 minutes rest


A. Broad jump; 6x3

B. Power snatch; 3x3@75%; 60s rest

C. C&J; heavy single in 10 minutes
125kg - Called it here as the jerk started to get messy.

D. Front squat; 3x70%, 2x75%, 1x80%; every 2 minutes x3 (9 sets total)
98, 105, 112 - No belt

E. Snatch grip deadlift; 4x4

27.06.2014 - AM DE Lower + PM Grinder


A. Burpee box jump over; 9x2@70% of Tuesday's max

B. Back squat @31X1; 12x2@70%; EMOM
120kg - Felt strong, no belt.

C. Power clean; 8x2@70%; EMOM


For time:
5 muscle ups
10 turkish get ups - 24kg
20 T2B
30 deadlift - 125kg
50 pistols
30 deadlift
20 T2B
10 turkish get ups
5 muscle ups

29:33 - Knew this was going to be a long one as soon as i saw the turkish get ups and high volume deadlifts. Muscle ups, t2b and pistols unbroken. Took my time through the turkish get ups as it's probably only the 2nd or 3rd time i've actually ever done them. The deadlifts were rough! Set's of 5 on the way up and sets of 3 on the way down.

Monday, 30 June 2014

27.06.2014 - Strict HSPU Hell + AD Intervals

A. TYW; 3x10

B. Kipping HSPU; 9x2, every 45s

C. Strict press; 1rm
30x5, 40x5, 50, 60, 65, 70, 72.5, 75xx - This needs a lot of work!

D. 50 strict HSPU for time
13:30 - Started with 5-3-2 for the first 10, then 2's till 25 reps, singles to the end!!

E1. T3 raise; 3x12
5kg - Very tough

E2. Ext rotation; 3x12
5kg - Strangely i found these hard on the right side, i was expecting it to be the opposite as i have a suspected labrum tear in the left shoulder.

E3. Powell raise; 3x12
5kg - Could have gone heavier.

AD 60:60 x5
4 minute rest

26.06.2014 - AM Rowing + PM Weightlifting


1000m row @70% Aer
90s rest


A. Heaving snatch balance; 4x3
60, 70, 80, 90x(1), 85

B. Hang snatch; 5x2@75-80%

C. C&J; 5x3@70-80%

D. Clean pulls; 4x4

400m run
21 kb swings - 24kg
12 pull ups

8:28 PB - I was feeling really tired after the lifting so i was just aiming for around 9 minutes. Unbroken swings and pull ups but fairly slow runs. If i push the runs to around 1:20 i can go sub 8 next time.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

24.06.2014 - AM Shuttles + PM ME Lower


Every 3 minutes
10m out & back + 20m out.

13-14s - Made a mistake by going 20m out & back as well.


A. Box jump; build to max
53", couple of close misses at 55"

B. Deadlift; 1rm
100, 120, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210 PB

C1. Front squat; 3x5
110kg - Tough today, did these in my nanos.

C2. Wtd chin up; 3x5

10 minute AMRAP
12 back rack lunges - 60kg
60m (30-30) backwards sled drag - 80kg
L-sit hold max

3+12, 20s, 16s, 13s - L-sit holds are a lot tougher when your breathing heavy!

23.06.2014 - Pump Session!

A. TYW's; 3x10

B. Push press; 9x2@70% EMOM
74kg - All T&G

C1. Bent over row; 3x8-12; 30s rest
60(12), 70(12), 80(12) - Should have started at 70kg or 80kg

C2. Wtd ring dip; 3x12-14; 60s rest
5(12)x3 - These were really tough!

12 CGBP - 60kg
8-12 ring row
32 unbroken double unders

E. Handstand walk ladder; Increase 1m every minute x10
Fell once on the 7m round, all other rounds unbroken.

21.06.2014 - CP Battery Test

A. Power snatch + snatch; EMOM x6
45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 - Focused on technique today.

B. Power clean; 1rm
40, 60, 80, 90, 100, 110, 115, 120, 125xx

C. 8 minute AMRAP @90% of B.
27 reps @108kg - 2 reps better with 5kg extra since i last did this test in January.

D. 10 minute Z1 row
2270m, 2:12/500m average

20.06.2014 - AM Rowing + PM DE Lower


1000m row @70%
90s rest



A. 30" hurdle hips; 9x3

B. Back squat @31X1; 12x2@65%, EMOM
110kg - Comfortable

C. Hang power clean; 8x2@70%; EMOM
87.5kg - This is a really comfortable weight for me now.

20 minute AMRAP (Aerobic pace)
10 russian KB swings - 40kg
20m forwards sled drag - 80kg
10 wall balls - 9kg
20m backwards sled drag

8 rounds - Backwards sled drags smoked the quads!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

19.06.2014 - 500m Row Repeat Test

500m row
90s rest
500m row

A. TYW ss Kneeling med ball toss

B. Floor press; build to max
60(5), 70(3), 80, 90, 95, 100, 105, 106 PB

C1. Bench press; 5x5
70, 70, 80, 80, 85

C2. Strict pull up; 5x max
12, 10, 9, 9, 8

10 strict HSPU
2 rope climb (1 legless + 1 with legs)
0:15 L-sit hang

Complete - All four round of handstand push ups broke in to 5-3-2. Legless rope climbs could do with some work

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

17.06.2014 - AM AD + PM Snatch & C&J


AD 30:30 x12
On - 80-85 rpm 
Off - 50 rpm


A. Power snatch; 1rm
40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 87.5 PB

B. Power snatch; 20@77% of A for time.
2:30 @67.5kg - Really struggled here, started with 5 then singles for the remainder. Was through 10 at 1 minute. Don't think i was pulling enough and finishing the turn over.

C. Snatch pulls; 4x4 heavy (touch & go)
100, 105, 110, 115 - Used straps

400m run
10 PC+PJ - 60/70/80kg (change weight after 10th rep)

9:34 - Felt sluggish on the runs but strong on the C&J's. Unbroken through 60kg, 5-1-2-1-1 for 70kg and 3-2-1-1-1-2 for 80kg

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

16.06.2014 - Testing

A. Weighted seated box jump; max height
43" @10kg vest

B. Front squat; 1rm
60, 80, 100, 120, 130, 140, 145x - Felt like i had more in me than 140kg, guess the volume of alcohol consumed on Saturday will have something to do with this!

C. Weighted pull up; 1rm
10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45

D. Front squat; AMRAP @85%
6 reps @119kg

E. Weighted pull up; AMRAP @85%
5 reps @25kg

20 single arm OH lunges
12 strict L-sit pull ups

11:43 - The OH lunges highlighted a huge mobility difference between the left and right shoulders! 

Monday, 16 June 2014

14.06.2014 - AM Lifting + PM Metcon

A. Backwards medball toss; 10x1@15kg

B. C&J; 80%x2x2, 85%x1x3, 80%x2
104, 110, 104 

C. Bench press; 5-5-5+@75%
11 @80kg

D. EMOM x16
Even - 2-3 weighted pull ups
Odd - 10 strict ring dips (slight pause at the top)

Dropped the strict ring dips down to 7 after 4 rounds.

5 sets at the same pace
30 cal row
10 power clean - 60kg
100 double unders
15 T2B
- 3 minute walk/rest

Feeling really fatigued so only did 3 sets

4:30, 4:25, 4:20 - UB cleans and T2B, double unders 50-50  

13.06.2014 - Back Squats, Tire Flips + Rowing

A. Hang snatch + snatch + power snatch; 80%x1, 85%x1x3, 80%x1x2
Another off day snatching, dropped down to 60kg and worked on technique

B. Back squat; 5x5@85%
Had a bit of a head fart and used 70% instead of 85%!!

C. Snatch high pull; 3x5@100%

8 heavy tire flips
50m OH walking lunge - 20kg


30:30 row

155m, 153m, 153m, 153m, 157m, 161m

Not a lot left by the time i got to these.

12.06.2014 - ME Upper + Christine

A. Floor press; 3@75%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 3-4x1@90%+
105 - Current PB, felt very easy!
110x - Should have went 107.5 first maybe.

B. BTN push press; 5x2

C. Ring dips; 3x max
20 PB, 15, 11

D. Ring rows; 3x max
20, 14, 11

E. Christine
500m row
12 deadlift - 80kg
21 box jumps - 24"

8:57 - 1:45-1:50 rows, unbroken deadlifts and box jumps so faster rows are the only place to get a faster time on this.

F. KB skull crushers; 3x12@20kg

G. Banded face pulls; 3x20

11.06.2014 - Active Recovery

Today was programmed as 30 min Z1 airdyne but i got suckered in by a workout a few people at the gym had done.

For time:
100 cal row
100 down and ups
100 cal row

16:10 - Both rows around 5 minutes, down and ups were slow.

10.06.2014 - Snatch, C&J + Lunges

A. Snatch; build to max, 3 lifts @90%+
90, 95xx - Just was a snatch kinda day today!

B. C&J; build to max, 3 lifts @90+
60, 80, 100, 110, 120, 130 PB

C. 100 alternating barbell lunges @40kg
3:49 unbroken

Thursday, 12 June 2014

09.06.2014 - AM Intervals + PM DE Upper & Nate


60s window
150m plate run - 20kg
AMRAP burpees

- 60s rest

60s window
150m plate run - 20kg

- 60s rest


Burpees - 9, 8, 8, 8
GTOH - 8, 8, 9, 9


A. Paused bench press; 9x3@70%, every 45s (1s pause)
72kg - Tough today.

B. Strict press; 3x8
50kg x3

2 muscle ups
8 KB swings - 32kg

17+2 PB - Full round and 2 rep PB, everything was unbroken just transition time to improve next time. 

08.06.201 - Airdyne Recovery

25 minute Z1 airdyne
270 odd cals 

07.06.2014 - AM Intervals + PM Lifting


400m run @85%
2 minutes rest

1:22 - 1:29, averaged around 1:25 over the 10 intervals. I am really pleased with how these went, i did something similar just before Christmas and struggled to hold 1:30 splits. Just need to get some miles back in the legs!


A. Hang power clean; 5x2@75%
94kg - Weight was feeling light!

B. Hang power clean + jerk; 5x2+1@70%
89kg - Push jerked all reps straight from the 2nd power clean.

C. Clean pulls; 5x3@100%
130kg - Focused on staying back and finishing!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

06.05.2014 - DE Lower

A. Depth jumps; 6x2@30"

B. Paused front squat @22X1; 12x2@60%, every 60s
85kg - These felt good, bottom position felt solid!

C. Power clean; 8x2@70%, every 30s
87.5kg - All touch & go, focused on efficiency of movement. 

D. Bulgarian split squats; 3x8-12
20, 30, 40 - Building these back up, still some slight hip pain.

E. Good mornings; 3x5 (heavy)
60, 62.5, 65 - Videoed these and realised i was going way to far down!!!

F. Front rack barbell walks; 10 minutes
80kg - Walked around 30m every minute, should have went heavier or walked further. 

Monday, 9 June 2014

05.06.201 - ME Upper

A. Bench press with band suspended KB; 2@80%, 2@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%
44(10), 64(7), 74(5), 80(2), 85(2), 90(1), 95(1)

B. Strict press; 5@80%, 5@85%, 5@80%
60(5), 64x(2), 60(5) - Failed the set of 5 at 85% so i did a cluster of singles at that weight then a set of 5 at 50kg

C. Push ups; 3x max
35, 25, 22 - Felt much stronger on these today, got to 30 without a pause at the top.

D. Strict pull ups; 3x12
12, 10-2, 9-3

E. Narrow grip floor press; 3x20
40, 40, 45 - This was tough! Last few reps at 45kg were grinders!

F. Accumulate 5 minutes of heavy farmers walk
Complete @32kg/hand 

G. Plate pinch hold; 3x max
26s, 23s, 29s 

Thursday, 5 June 2014

03.06.2014 - Skills + Weighlifting + Metcon

16 KB snatch - 24kg
10 strict T2B
60s hand stand hold

A. Push jerk; 5x2@80%
88kg - Felt strong, this didn't feel like almost 90kg today.

B. Power snatch + snatch; 3+3@60%, 2+2@70%, 5x1+1@80%
60, 70, 80 - Based the percentage off my full snatch (100kg)

C. Snatch pulls; 3x3@120%

For time:
1000m row
30 power clean - 60kg
40 lateral burpees


Stayed conservative on the row, held around 1:47/500m. Power cleans were a couple of 3's, mainly 2's and a single here and there. I expected the cleans to be easier than they were! Just kept moving on the burpees.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

31.05-2014 - 01.06.2014 - Zurich Weightlifting Cert

I was away in Zurich, Switzerland this weekend as part of the coaching team for the CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting Certification. As a result of this my training was a little bit off track, i did what i could during the 1 hour lunch breaks.

Saturday 31st

A. KB suspended back squat; 2x16kg KB(32kg); 10-7-5-2x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%, 1x95%
52(10), 92(7), 120(5), 136(2), 144(2), 153(1), 162(1)

B. Front squat; 5@80%, 2x5@85%
112, 119, 119

Sunday 1st

A. Jumping back squat; 5x5@40%

B. Split jerk; 5x3@75%
97.5kg  - The best these have felt for a long time, the hardest part was bringing the bar back down to the front rack.

C. Power snatch; 5x2@80%

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

29.05.2014 - DE Upper

3 rounds for time (aim is sub 10 inc. 2x rest)
20 cal row
10 thrusters - 42kg
20 box jumps - 24"
2 minutes rest

1:44, 1:42, 1:48 (9:14) - There was a big build up of lactic acid in my quads from this!

A. Plyo push up; 6x3
2x 20kg plates, this was just a primer for the dynamic effort bench

B. Bench press; 9x3@70%, every 60s
72.5kg - 3 sets at each grip, close, medium and wide.

10 HSPU pikes
10 strict chin ups
15s L-sit hang
60s rest

The strict chin ups were meant to be band resisted but my biceps and lats were shot from the tabata pull ups a couple of days before. 

D. Skull crushers; 3x8-12
20(12), 22.5(12), 22.5(12)

E. KB front rack carry; 3x max distance @32kg e/a
150ft, 138ft, 102ft - These were really tough on the core!

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

27.05.2014 - Weightlifting + Tabata Something Else

A. Power clean; 5x2@85%
106kg - Feeling powerful today, weight was feeling light.

B. Clean & Jerk, 3x1@90kg
113kg - Comfortable, bottom position of the clean felt really good.

C. Clean deadlift; 5x3@120%
Supposed to be at 156kg but i didn't have time to fit them in before the class started so did them after. Had nothing left after tabata something else. 120x1, 140x2, 150x2 

Tabata Something Else
Complete 32 intervals (8 per exercise) of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest:
Air squats.
There is no rest between exercises

Pull ups - 20, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9
Push ups - 10, 9, 9, 9, 8, 7, 7, 7
Sit ups - 13, 13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 11, 11
Air squats - 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 20

Moved too slow through the first set of air squats and as your score was the lowest score i just held 17 for the remaining sets. 

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

26.05.2014 - DE Lower

A. Box jump; 6x3
40" comfortable

B. Front squat; 10x2@100kg, every 30s
Complete, no belt or knee sleeves

C. Power clean; 8x1@95kg, every 30s
Comfortable, weight felt light today.

D. Bulgarian split squat; 3x8-12
Still getting some slight hip pain but decided to just go with body weight instead of skipping or subbing these.

3 rounds
12 kb thrusters - 24kg e/a
24 kb swings - 24kg
60s rest

1:29 - Unbroken
2:06 - Thrusters 6-6, kb swings unbroken
2:30 - Thrusters 6-6, kb swings unbroken

This was hideous! The press and the squat portions were fine, it was the front rack i struggled with!

30 minute light sled drag

Sunday, 25 May 2014

24.05.2014 - AM ME Upper + PM Chipper


A. Rack press; 10, 7, 3@75%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 3x1@90%+
10x55, 7x65, 3x75, 3x80, 3x85, 1x90, 1x95, 1x100

B. Strict deficit HSPU; 3x max
6, 5, 4 - Seeing a huge improvement on these.

C. Banded pull ups; 3x max red band
6, 6, 5

D. Skull crusher; 3x8
20, 25x2


For time:
20 deadlift - 120kg
30 box jump overs - 24"
40 KB swings - 24kg
50 double unders
50 Cal row
50 double unders
40 KB swings
30 box jump overs
20 deadlift

14:44 - Really pleased with how this went, i was feeling really tired and sore before i started and contemplated skipping it. Once i started i was fine though, i love the feeling of pushing past those physical and mental limits!!

23.05.2014 - Weightlifting

A. Power snatch; 5x3@65%

B. Hang snatch; 5x2@80%
80kg - Missed the second rep of the 4 set, other than that these felt really good!

C. Snatch deadlift; 5x5@120%
120kg - Holy shit!! This was really tough, was struggling to keep my shoulders pulled back and lats tight.

D. Snatch row; 5x5@70kg

6 rounds
90 on, 90 off
200m row into max reps
rounds 1-3-5 burpees
rounds 2-4-6 wall ball - 9kg

20/20, 17/20, 16/21 - Had to keep stopping to check the clock on the wall balls.

Friday, 23 May 2014

22.05.2014 - Catch Up Post Exams

Sorry for the lack of posts over the last week or so, i have been snowed under with revision for my last exam of my degree. I have been training how ever, a few highlights were a 165kg wide stance box squat, a hang snatch double at 90kg and a 1000m row PB at 3:16.7.

Thursday 22.05.2014

A. Back squat; 10, 7, 5, 2@80%, 2@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%
80x10, 100x7, 120x5, 136x2, 145x2, 153x1, 162xx - Didn't have much juice in the legs today!

B. Front rack lunge; 3x8
80, 85, 90 - Again, not much juice in the legs today. Think i was still feeling the effects of the exams.

C. Good mornings; 5x5
50x5x5 - Not sure if i should be able to feel these in the hamstrings, but once i go above 40kg i can't feel it.

D. 10 minutes heavy sled drag - 20m bouts

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

12.05.2014 - AM Rowing + PM Weightlifting


35 minute Z1 row
8147m - This is starting to feel really comfortable now, i remember when this would have been mental torture for me!


A. Hang power snatch; 3x2@75%

B. Snatch; 5x2@82%
82kg - No misses, but wasn't feeling particularly fast.

C. Hang power clean; 3x2@75%

D. C&J; 5x2@82%
104kg - The second jerk of each set felt the best.

5 rounds
10 GHD sit ups
10 T2B

Monday, 12 May 2014

10.05.2014 - Regional Event 4 + DE Upper


For time: (20:00 time cap)
Strict hspu
Front sqaut - 90kg
Bar facing burpees
26:27 - 126 reps at the time cap (9 front squat in the round of 9) - Handstand push ups were the limiting factor in this workout for me. First set was 5-3-2's-1 then singles for each set after this. Front squats were 10-6-5, 8-7, unbroken. 


A. Bench press; 3@70% every 60s x9

B. Ring row; 3x max
18, 15, 15

C. 100 band pull aparts

09.05.2014 - DE Lower

A. Box jump; 6x3
40" - Becoming routine like a 30" box jump now

B. Front squat; 2@65% every 30ss x12
91kg - Felt fast even though i was feeling tired going in to them.

C. Power clean; 2@70% every 30s x8
87.5kg - No issues

D. 100 DB lunges
20kg per hand 

E. 100 KB swings @40kg
9:30 - These were really hard! Broke it down into 10 sets of 10 emom.  

08.05.2014 - ME Upper

For time:
30 burpees
1000m row
30 burpees
6:40 - 3:37 row

A. Floor press; 10-7-3-3-3-1-1-1
65(10), 75(7), 85(3), 90(3), 95(2), 97.5, 100, 102.5x

B. BTN push press; 5x2

C. Push ups; 3x max
36, 25, 15

D. Weighted chin up; 3x8
5kg - These were tough!

E. KB skull crusher; 3x8

3 rounds
30 GHD sit up
30 back extensions
30 reverse hypers

Thursday, 8 May 2014

05.05.2014 - 08.05.2014 - Catch Up

I have been really busy with university work when i haven't been working or training, hence the lack of training updates.

I'll start by catching up on this weeks training.


A. Plyo push up; 9x2
Done, every 30s.

B. 3 bench press @70%, every 60s x9
70kg - Felt better than last week

C. Strict HSPU; 3xME
9, 5(feel off the wall), 5, i then did a set of 20 kipping hs push up as i don't want to lose the skill of kipping while working on the strict strength

D. Banded resisted pull up; 3xME
Thin blue band - 5, 5, 4. These are really tough as the resistance increases at the top of the pull.

E. DB skull crusher; 3x8-12
10kg DB's - 12, 9, 8

F. Pronated flies; 3x20
5kg plates


A. Snatch; build to max in 15 minutes
95kg, 102xxx - Really frustrating. Felt awesome working up to 95kg with no misses, probably should have made 2 smaller jumps to get to 102kg.

B. C&J; build to max in 15 minutes
124kg, 128xx - Failed the jerk on the first attempt then missed the clean on the second attempt and called it there.

C. Front squat; build to max in 15 minutes
140kg - Pleased with this although it isn't a lifetime PB, it is the heaviest i have front squatted in well over 6 months.


5000m row, easy pace
19.53.3 - This was meant to be done on Tuesday AM but i got my programming through to late to warrant getting up at 5:30am. Really pleased with this as a year a go this was around my PB pace.

Monday, 28 April 2014

26.04.2014 - AM 2012 Regional WOD + PM ME Lower


For time: (17 min time cap)
2000m row
50 pistols
30 hang clean - 102.5kg

25 cleans complete at the time cap PB, 18:37 complete PB. Steady away on the rower, got off at 7:30. Same with the pistols, just kept moving. Felt great aerobically, the weight just got heavy. Started with a triple, then a double, then singles for a while and a double in the middle.


A. Back squat; build to max.
60x3, 80x3, 100x3, 120x3, 140, 150, 160, 171x

B. Step ups; 3x8-12
60x12, 70x12, 80x12

C. Snatch deadlift; 3x8-12
80x12, 100x12, 120x10

Friday, 25 April 2014

25.04.2014 - Snatches, C&J's & Rowing

A. Hang power snatch; 3x2@75%

B. Snatch; 5x1@85%
85kg - 1 miss forward, made it up.

C. Hang power clean; 3x2@75%

D. C&J; 5x1@85%
107kg - Keep getting a really sharp pain in my forearm once i release the bar from overhead!

10 minute row @sub 2:00/500m
2583m, 1:57.1/500m average

24.04.2014 - DE Upper

A. Plyo push up; 6x3

B. 3 bench press @70%, every minute x9

C. Incline DB press; 3x8-12
25(12)x2, 25(10)

D. 5 rounds
Max strict ring dips
Max supine ring row
90s rest

RD - 10, 8, 6, 6,7
RR - 16, 12, 10, 9, 8

E. Skull crushers; 3x8-12
20(12), 22.5(12), 25(12) - These don't feel like they work the tricep as much as the KB skull crushers do.

F. Cuban press; 3x20
1.25(20)x2, wooden dowel (20)

G. 100 banded tricep

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

22.14.2014 - Snatch Work + Push Jerks

A. Snatch balance; 5x5 (no more than 50%)
30-50kg - Felt fast, focused on footwork and drive under.

B. Power snatch; 3x2@80%

C. Hang snatch; 5x2@80%
72kg - These felt really good.

D. Snatch high pull; 3x3@100%
100kg - First time doing these. How the hell do i snatch 100kg!!

E. Push jerk; 5x2@90%
100kg - I think this is a PB double!! Hardest part was bringing it back down.

21.04.2014 - AM Row + PM DE Lower


40 minute Z1 row
9321m, 2:08.7/500m average


A. Box jump; 9x2

B. Back squat; 12x2@70%; every 30s

C. 2 T&G power clean @70%; every 30s

D. Front rack lunge; 3x8-12
80(12), 90(12), 100(8) - Massive improvement since Manchester Games!!

E. Stiff leg deadlift; 3x8-12
80(12), 100(12), 120(10) - Holy hamstrings!!!

F. Tabata prowler push
Don't have access to a prowler so i used my car! 

Saturday 19.04.2014


AMRAP 15 minutes
10 OHS - 60kg
10 C2B pull ups
10 box jumps - 30"

7 - Four rounds unbroken overhead squats, my elbows were getting really painful locked out overhead. 


A. Bench press; 10-7-3x3-1-1-1
60 (10), 70(7), 80(3x3), 90(1), 100(1), 106(x)

3 handstand push up
3 strict ring dips
3 clapping push ups
7 - Really tough! Dropped to singles on the ring dips.

C. Skull crushers; 3x8-12
20(12), 22.5(12), 25(9) - Found using a barbell tougher than the KB last week.

D. 100 banded tricep push down

E. Incline reverse flies; 3x20

Friday 18.04.2014


5x1000m row @70%
90s rest

3:45, 3:45, 3:45, 3:45, 3:42


A. Hang power snatch; 3x2@70%

B. Snatch; 5x1@85%

C. Hang power clean; 3x2@70%

D. C&J; 5x1@85%

8x50m sprint (walk recovery)

5 minutes rest

3 RFT:
15 burpees
30 KB swings @24kg

5 minutes rest

4x50m sprint (walk recovery)

Sprints between 6-8s, these were not 100% all out as the slight hip/groin strain was in the back of my mind.

6:26 - just felt slow

Friday, 18 April 2014

17.04.2014 - ME Lower

A. Wide stance box squat; 3rm
150kg - First time doing these so didn't know what to expect, started at 60kg and increased 10kg each set. Video below is 130kg.

B. Bulgarian split sqaut; 3x8-12
Was getting a weird pain in my groin/hip flexor/low ab area during the split squat so decided not to push it and skip these.

C. Halting clean pulls; 3x5 (pause at launch)
100, 110, 120

D. 100 back extensions

E. Heavy sled drag; 8x25m
100kg - Alternated between forwards and backwards

Thursday, 17 April 2014

18.04.2014 - 30:30 Airdyne

Wednesday is programmed as a rest day but i missed my AM session on Tuesday so had to catch up.

Airdyne 30:30 x24
5 min rest between 12-13

227 cals first 12, 217 cals second set.
Held 80+rpm for the 30s on and 50rpm for the 30s off for both sets.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

15.04.2014 - Weightlifting

A. Snatch balance; 5x5
40,50, 60, 70, 75

B. Power snatch; 5x3@80%

C. Snatch; 5x2@80%
80kg - 1 miss.

D. Snatch pulls; 3x3@100%
100kg - used straps for these to save my thumbs.

E. Push jerk; 3x3@85%
94kg - The 3rd rep of each set was tough!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

14.04.2014 - AM Row + PM DE Upper


45 minute Z1 row
9127m, 2:11.4/500m avg


A. 3 bench press @70%, EMOM x9 (3 wide grip, 3 medium grip, 3 close grip)
70kg - CG was the toughest as my triceps are still sore from Thursday

B. 3 x max push ups; 2 minutes rest
37, 21, 14

C. 3 x max strict pull ups; 2 minutes rest
12, 8, 8

D. DB row; 12-10-8; 30s rest btw arms, 90s rest btw sets
27.5, 32, 32 - DB's only got up to 27.5, used a KB for the last 2 sets which made it a little more difficult.

E. 100 band pull aparts
Orange band, alternated overhand and under hand every 25 reps.

12.04.2014 - AM Filthy Fifty + PM Lifting


Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 box jumps - 24"
50 jumping pull ups
50 kb swing - 16kg
50 walking lunge
50 K2E
50 push press - 20kg
50 back extenstsions
50 wall balls
50 burpees
50 double unders

19:21 - 26s slower than my previous PB. Not concerned about this as i am 7kg heavier, the difference is probably due to having a longer transition between the push press, back ext and the wall balls. Also last time i went ub on the push press this time around i broke 40-10, not entirely sure why but i did!! 


A. Snatch; 3x2@80%

B. C&J; 3x2@80%

C. 1 snatch @70% every 30s x10 minutes
70kg - Felt great, no misses. 

D. Clean pulls; 5x2@120%
150kg - These were tough! 

Monday, 14 April 2014

11.04.2014 - DE Lower

A. Box jump; 6x3

B. Back squat; 2@65% every 30s x12
104kg - based off 160kg since i haven't squatted 170kg in some time.

C. 2 T&G power clean @70% every 30s x8

D. Step ups; 3x8-12

E. Snatch grip deadlift; 3x8-12 (with straps)
80(12), 90(12), 100(12)

F. 100 KB swings @24kg
3:48 - Wasn't sure if this was for time so i timed it anyway, 80 quick chalk then 20.

E. 1000m row

10.04.2014 - Rowing & ME Upper

35 min Z1 row

A. Floor press; 10-7-4-1-1-1
90, 70, 80, 90, 100x, 95 - 10kg down on my previous PB

B. Max strict HSPU x3
6, 4, 7 - used 1 ab mat for last the set.

C. KB skull crushers; 3x8-12
20(12)x2, 24(12)

D. DB row; 3x8-12

E. 100 banded triceps

F. Face pulls; 3x20

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

08.04.2014 - Rowing + Oly Tech Work

250m row
1 minute rest
500m row
2 minute rest
750m row
3 minute rest

0:47.4, 1:39.7, 2:35.5 
0:48.5, 1:41.7, 2:41.9 
Legs were really sore from the ME lower yesterday, fatigue in the glutes and quads was the limiter.

A. Snatch balance; 5x3@50-60%
50x3, 60x2 

B. Snatch from blocks; 3@75%, 3x2@80%, 2@75%
70x3, 75x2x2, 80x2, 70x2 - Decided to drop the weight a little as my legs were so sore. 

C. Hang clean; 3@75%, 3x2@80%, 2@75%
97.5x3, 104x2x3, 94x2 - Legs started to feel a lot better at this point.

D. Push jerk; 5x2
80x3, 90x2 - Focused on a fast punch under.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

07.04.2014 - Max Effort Lower

First day of the off season program.


30 minute Z1 row


A. OHS, max effort
10 - 80kg PB
5 - 90kg
3 - 100kg PB
1 - 110kg
You could definitely tell which of my shoulders has the labrum tear, stabilising it became really hard so called it at 110kg. 

B. Bulgarian split squats; 3 sets x 8-12 reps
40, 45, 50

C. RDL; 3 sets x 8-12 reps
60, 70, 80

D. 100m walking lunge
3:22 @20kg weight vest

E. 8x25m heavy sled drag
100kg, alternated between forwards and backwards drag.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Post Open Easy Week

Andy gave me a free week to unwind after the 5 week open. I took an extra rest day and then joined in with the CrossFit Teesside workouts.


EMOM x10
even - 20m prowler hi handle, 20m low handle
odd - 10 axel stoh @60

Tuesday - rest


15 deadlift @100kg
50 double unders

6 + 47

Thursday - rest



partner wod
1 person runs 400m while the other amraps
10 fs @42.5/60
10 t2b

16 +13 with Kez


For time (15 min cap)
300m row
5 mu
300m row
4 mu
300m row
3 mu
300m row
2 mu
300m row
1 mu


rest 2 min

5 min to est max snatch
60, 70, 80, 90, 95xx

rest 1 min

5 min to est mac C&J
90, 100, 110, 120


1 snatch increase 5kg every min
95, 100xx

8:33 PB